Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma diagnosed

  • 3 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hi all

oPsting here as I am looking for any positive stories of others who have been diagnosed with this condition.

I've been dealing with the NHS in the UK and it's taken just short of a year to be diagnosed. They originally diagnosed me with Lymphomatic Malformation of the parotid gland. Unfortunately the ultrasound team decided against a biopsy I'm November 2023 and this was only recently done.

I was given the diagnosis today and have surgery in a month with radiation to follow. 

I'm not too sure what I am looking for here but would greatly appreciate if anyone who has been through this can let me know how they are doing. No idea how aggressive this is, but it's slow growing.

I'm a 38 yr old male, turning 39 next week. My life feels a mess. Our landlord is selling our flat, I was assaulted Monday and have a broken nose... I'm struggling to cope

Thanks and apologies of this is all over the place.

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about everything you have been going through as if you needed all that on top of the diagnosis. I can certainly relate on the extended period to diagnosis even though my wife's cancer is very different but also classed as rare.



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  • Thanks for messaging Steve. I'm sorry to hear that your wife has cancer. I hope she is doing ok and that you are too.

    It's been a week but trying to come to terms and refocus my energy for the fight.

    • Hello

    I just joined this forum. I was diagnosed with ACC in September. I have had 2 surgeries (the first didn’t get all of the cancer) and I’m stsrting radiation next week. Working to keep my spirit strong. This cancer is so rare but the prognosis is good following radiation. 
    My issue is primarily the inability to eat and talk without the palatial obturator. And with radiation I may be eating through a stomach port. I’m scared but resigned to the journey. I wish you well on your journey.