New to the group - hello

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My name is Tony, and I was first diagnosed with ACC about 25 years ago. After a couple of run ins which were sorted by operation it has now come back in several places on my lungs and is inoperable. I've had sabre radiotherapy to push it back a little, but apparently that's a one shot deal so now it's a case of time, but hopefully that will be a few years. I guess the one good thing about ACC is it grows slowly, hopefully really, really slowly! It's hard on my wife and daughters, but we're trying to make the most of things and have some fun before I'm done. We went to Monaco last year and had an amazing time and have a few plans for this year assuming my next appointment goes okay. But I do get very down at times which is hard. I must say though I have a brilliant Macmillan nurse who helps a lot! 

  • Hello Tony, I am so sorry to hear about the progression of your cancer. My Daughter has just been diagnosed with ACC and already has lung mets. We are awaiting review from Dr Metcalf at Christies. I am told that he and his team are doing some amazing work to stabilise this cruel disease. My Daughter has found the ACC facebook group both supportive and informatitive. I have some understanding of how your wife and daughters must be feeling. As a family we have found fundraising has given us a positive focus. 

    As one family, in pain, to another, we wish you strength, love and hope xx

  • Hi there

    I'm new to the group, but by a random xray for a hoarse voice I have been diagnosed with acc in both lungs. My original acc was 21yrs ago at the top of my mouth and had extensive surgery for this, I was so shocked to find out it had come back after all this time but apart from a bit of rib pain I'm absolutely normal. I've been told I'm inoperable aswell as have 4 nodules in left lung alargest 3cm, and two in right lung 16mm & 11mm.

    I've not had a clinic app with head & neck cancer yet but am waiting for one shortly.

    I'm so sorry to hear your story but am looking for more answers myself like why can't they cure it by surgery etc? I'd be grateful full of any help you have as you seem to be a few steps ahead of me?

