Hi all,
I am new to the site and as my subject title says a little confused as to what to do next.
Diagnosed Low Grade ACC in left parotid gland Jan. 2015
Removal Feb. 2015 with 6 weeks of radiotherapy ending in June 2015
Routine chest CT scan offered in December 2017 of which showed multiple & bilateral lung metastases, ranging from 9mm, 7mm and below in both sides, approx. 10 at present
After initial results had a chat with our head & neck specialist and they have said that there is nothing that can be done as they do not know enough about ACC to offer any kind of treatments, or as the letter officially says " no known chemotherapeutic drugs to control or slow down the lung mets".
So here I am trawling online trying to find out what I should do next and see if there is any information I can find out to move forward rather than just do nothing which I feel I have been left with as a choice.
I have not had a biopsy of the secondary tumours as they did not think it would be helpful, so I do not know if I should push for a biopsy or just leave alone as would disturbing the tumours with a needle be asking for more trouble ?
Secondly, should I be pushing to be seen by a lung specialist team rather than my original head & neck team now that it has been moved to my lungs.
I think I am going to try and push for getting all my notes about me electronically copied and sent to me and I will look around to try and find alternative answers / solutions, has anyone successfully obtained their own notes ?
I have also seen the the Christie Hospital in Manchester seems to be very knowledgeable with ACC, has anyone had any dealings here in one way or another ?
I hope I have not bored you all with this semi long post and I apologise if I have not followed the forum rules or found previously posted information, my only excuse is I am not in the best frame of mind at present and feel slightly let down.
Thank you for taking the time to read this far and I look forward to hopefully receiving a reply.
Kind regards,
Sara x
Hi Sara,
you do not say where you live in the uk.
i suggest you do your research look at the accrf site where there is a lot of information about treatment options for lung mets.
i have multiple metastases and decided to have RFA in London.
if you can come to the acc meeting on London on May 12th you get the opportunity to ask questions and meet Rob Metcalf from the .christie and hear about the latest research.
Good luck and hope to see you on May 12th
Hi Sara,
the information will come up on this site and on the accoi site.
I can forward you details of the venue if you friend request me and private message me you cam send me your e mail.
the day starts at 11.00 and there will be a light lunch provided and the speaker is Rob Metcalf.
it usually finishes around 3-4.
Ruth x.
Hi Sara,
My case goes way back to 1991 when I was first diagnosed with ACC in my upper Mandible, 5 years later it had metastasis to my Parotid Gland, so like you had to have my Parotid Gland removed followed by 4 weeks Radiotherapy.
Strange it might seem but 2012 I had a CT Scan for an unrelated problem, it came a surprise to me when lung metts were showing on the CT Scan. This was latter confirmed by a CT guided Biopsy.
Next step was a consultation with Dr Mc Kinlay our local Respirity Specialist at The North Hants Hospital.
I’m not sure why but he was against me having RFA, maybe at the time it wasn’t available on the NHS, because of this we opted for Thoracic Surgery which was undertaken by a very nice Doctor Miss Elisabeth Belcher at The John Radcliffe Oxford Hospital. In the March same year 2012 I had an operation to remove tumours in my right lung, 6 months later similar treatment to my lung.
My advice would be talk to your GP and ask for a referal to some one specialising in Respiratory Problems, ask for 3 or 6 monthly CT Scans.Â
It’s a tough road ahead Thoracic Surgery is quite invasive but not impossible, remember there is always someone out there worse of than you.
Good LuckÂ
Roger (age 75)
Hi Sara its Wendy, my husband and I will be at tge meeting on the 12th May. Will lok forwardvto meeting you.
Hi Roger,
Thank you for your reply and apologies in not getting back in touch sooner (busy with work and stuff)
Interesting to hear from different people and their treatments, and from what I have read (wrongly or rightly) it seems each person`s treatment will vary greatly on the individual and make up of the offending cells ?
We have been in contact with our previous consultant who has sent a letter to Dr. Rob Metcalf at The Christie asking for us to be referred, so fingers crossed we get a positive result. And yes there is always someone worse off, onwards & upwards!!
Sara x
Hi Wendy,
Yes we look forward to meeting with everyone also, is this meeting something that happens once a year or more often ?
Sara x
Hi Sara,Â
Meeting is usually twice a year one in London then one later in the year in Manchester. I went to both last year. My husband went to the Manchester one and I think meeting other peoples partner or son/daughter and hearing their side of having someone with ACC helped him. I know it helped me as well.
Hope to see you there
My mom has ACC
What is the best doctor in the world to help??
Has anyone heard of Neutron therapy -views ?
I have joined up!!
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