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  • 9 subscribers


My spouse  is in remission with cancer.   

In light of the COVID-19, how might this cause an effect? 

Is it necessary to take extra precautions other than that given re social distancing? 

  • Hi  yes, this is all very confusing and I would always recommend talking with your team as every AML case is individual and the following information may well be out of date.

    this advice from the government is all encompassing and is a good guide what to look out for and what you should or should not do and Macmillan have also provided some information and answered some key questions around cancer and coronavirus (COVID-19).

    This link takes you to the most up to date Bloodwise information about the Coronavirus.

    Under 70s with an underlying health condition and instructed to have a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds are in the “increased risk of severe illness” category for social distancing - 2m

    You will also find blood cancers at most stages can put you in the “Even higher risk of severe illness”

    I was diagnosed in 1999 with a rare type of Skin NHL. I am now over 4 1/2 years post my second Allo Stem Cell Transplant, in remission and even a few weeks back my Late Effects Nurse said   “……you need to think that you have just come through your Allo SCT again and take exactly the same precautions as you did then........”   so I am basically back into a three+ months isolation controlling everyone I come in contract with and where and what I do.

    She also said ”……. once a blood cancer patient always a blood cancer patient"......... "All the treatment you have had has indeed had a long lasting effect on the effectiveness of your immune system even although your bloods are ok with a few at the lower limit range of acceptable, like any virus you are at risk but this one we don’t know how a post Allo SCT Patient will react - let’s be safe and not sorry”

    Not much help for you - sorry..... but this virus can not be underestimated - talk with your team.

    ((hugs)) from a distance.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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