AML of a patient of 85 years old

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  • 8 subscribers

Hello, My father is 85 years old and in September 24, 2019, he was diagnosed with AML. He has no other disease and had good health conditions. When the first time we went to the hospital, the first blood analysis results showed that his WBC value was 114.12 x10^3/uL (for a range of 3.91-10.9). He stayed at the hospital for 13 days and after a treatment of Hydrea and Azasitidin he was discharged from the hospital. His results were WBC:21500, HGB:9.5, PLT:27000. Now, he is taking his 5th cure of Azasitidin (Each cure lasts 7 days in every 21 days period) and he is getting better day by day. Recent blood results are WBC: 4.9, RBC: 3.22, HGB: 11.1, HCT: 34.5, PLT: 262000, NE#: 3.4.

Genetic analysis also carried out and no genetic mutations were identified. Flow values of the date of 26.09.2019 are as follows: CD14: 57.20%. CD19: 0.20%. CD10: 4.10%. CD13: 69.50%. NU TDT: 0.10%. CD64: 89.60%. HLA DR: 94.90%. CD117: 0.90%. CD45: 100%. CD34: 1.00%. CD16: 0.20%. CD11C: 88.80%. CD3: 2.10%. CD15: 7.10%. CD11B: 89.70%. CD4: 83.00%. CD56: 70.90%. MYELOPEROKSÄ°DAZ (MPO) FCM: 8.90%. CD33: 93.80%

We have been informed that his Azasitidin treatment will be continued as long as he gets benefit. Do you also informed that cures should last as long as the blood results are good or there should be a end for cures after some evaluation?

We have also read articles about recent treatment techniques for AML, Venotoclax and smart drugs. We wonder if it is also beneficial to have Venetoclax along with Azasitidin. Our doctors mentioned that Venoclax will drop the values drastically, which may be vital for a patient of this age, although he has good physical condition. Do you use Venotoclax with Azasitidin? Do your patients have regular chemoteraphy as young patients? Thanks.

  • hI  and welcome to the Online Community, although I am sorry to see you finding us and so sorry to hear about your father.

    A blood cancer diagnosis can bring a lot of stress, confusion and many many questions but talking with people who are on the same journey can help a lot.

    I had a different type of blood cancer so have no experience that will help you but lets see if there are any group members that are looking in that can help.

    You may find posting questions to Caroline - our Heamatology Nurse may also be a way forward but please allow 2 working days to get a reply as she does this as a volunteer.

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    All the very best.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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