Home after induction...

  • 2 replies
  • 8 subscribers


My wife coming home today. Little bit unexpected as expecting another day or 2. Obviously both really excited. But it's just kind of hit me. 5 weeks today since diagnosis. And I know this is just end of first cycle. I know got to make everything right at home for my wife. Not sure if that is making me feel pressure or I'm just totally exhausted from visiting and holding everything at home with kids. I'm not sure. 

  • Hi Rob, this is great news.

    The apprehension you are feeling (after asking my wife) is normal and you just need to enjoy and take each day as it comes........ and don’t stress this.....so my wife says.

    Avoiding Infections is important so do keep an eye for any signs and if required call it into the chemo support number you should have been given.

    Relax and enjoy this tone as the next cycle will be along far to quickly.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • FormerMember

    Hi Rob

    Yes I feel you... I bet my husband can fully understand as I was the patient (diagnosed in 2015) 

    To be honest from the patient perspective I had zero expectations, just being at home was enough.  I was in as much of a whirl/blur as my husband.  I had been very ill so was pretty weak, how has your wife been? My first cycle took 5 weeks too.  I am sure you are right in that you are feeling pressure, exhaustion, emotion and holding everything together with the kids too... 

    Try to take one day at a time and have no expectations, we didn't do anything, just watched TV, family visited but that was about it because I was too exhausted.  

    There is so much to take in and deal with after a diagnosis like this so be kind to yourself.  Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

    Have you been given any information yet on the various things that apply?

    Warm wishes
