2nd time - Insurewith

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi, from my sunny conservatory.

I have incurable Lung Cancer - transplant or Resection deemed a no no from day 1. I have been on Immunotherapy treatment and am just coming up for my 24th cycle and side effects have been minimal so I decided to give Insurewith another go to see what was what. They insured me in 2023 to spend a week in Canaries and I was surprised at how good they were. There were an awful lot of questions and I almost gave up. Am so glad I didn't. This year we want to go to France for 2 weeks between treatment cycles and as nothing has changed from 2023 and they obviously hold info in some sort of archive. Delighted to just log in without having to register again. Everything was straightforward, not so many questions and a very reasonable quote accepted, paid and all printed out. Ferry is booked and Campsite opens for bookings in Feb so I am sorted. I wish everybody well and if you can just go for it.

Thinking of you all


  • Folks I stated I had Lung Cancer. I don't I have Liver Cancer. I have just been reading a few posts on one of my infrequent visits to the Website. Sincere apologies

  • Hi Jackie, Sorry to hear that you have liver cancer.  I know what you mean about all the questions!  Hubby was on the phone for nearly an hour and had to ring them back as the battery died!  They gave us a reasonable quote too.  Last year was a bit higher as the girl was particularly focused on his very short episode of asthma at the age of 5.  I suppose that will be on his list permanently now - he wishes he'd never mentioned it!  Not sure about this year - he's currently having chemo whereas the cancer (prostate) had previously been managed by HT.


    Hope you enjoy your stay in France.  Best wishes, Hazel 

  • Thank you Hazel. I know what you mean though they will always grab on to anything else even though it has no bearing ! My fingers crossed for you and keep pushing. A holiday can make such a difference  Jacki