Cancer diagnosis- how to cancel holiday & get refund?

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  • 20 subscribers

Diagnosis yesterday grade 2 endometrial cancer and I will need scans and hysterectomy in the coming weeks. I have a package holiday booked with Tui during this time but won't be able to go. Will Tui refund me if I provide proof? I purchased travel insurance before booking the holiday July 2024 but worried if I cancel they won't pay out because ai haven't informed about investigations as I was told it was probably just benign fibroids and copolscopy results were normal.

To explain, all this came about purely by coincidence following a CT scan for appendicitis in Nov 2024 The scan showed an abnormality on ovary. I had ultrasound which showed thickened endometrium and was referred for a copolscopy. As said results were normal but consultant wanted to redo under anaesthetic before discharging me because of amount of tissue. I was informed of the cancer results yesterday.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read about your diagnosis and that you now need to cancel your holiday.

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2022 and had a holiday booked for May of that year. I phoned the travel company that I'd booked through to tell them that I needed to cancel. I only received a very small amount of the cost of the holiday back from the travel company, because it was so close to the time of going, and the rest I claimed back, less the excess, from the travel insurer.

    If you look in the terms and conditions of your travel company, it will tell you what percentage will be refunded if you have to cancel depending on how many weeks you have left before going.

    The travel insurance claim was straight forward, although it did take a couple of months before I got my money back. The claim forms were all done on line, although I did have to get part of them completed by my GP.

    Hopefully it'll be straight forward for you.

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