Travel insurance for USA

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

We have a holiday booked to USA with a Caribbean Cruise in March. My husband has just been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer but is fit and well. The quotes for holiday insurance are crazy. Does anyone know where we can get reasonably priced insurance so that we can continue with our holiday? Thanks.

  • Hello EAB,

    Have you tried Insurancewith who specialise in travel cover for cancer sufferers? Another alternative is Albert&Eddie (strange name I know, it's a comparison site owned by the same holding company that Insurancewith is under). I've just taken out an annual worldwide policy through the latter which gives exactly the same policy wording as Insurancewith but was quite a bit cheaper (although unfortunately more than we paid berore recurrence). Reviews of both are very good.

    I was first diagnosed with prostate cancer 8 years ago which recurred early this year and I finished chemo 12 weeks ago, now remaining on Prostap and Darolutamide long term.

    I hope you can get something reasonable for an enjoyable holiday. We're doing a travel test to the Canaries during January then onto our favourite, a US road trip in March, if all goes well.


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