Backpacking insurance, any help??

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  • 19 subscribers

Hey everyone,

I am currently on the hunt for Backpackers insurance for a trip I am going on through central America and south America lasting around 6 months.

I was diagnosed with a Cancerous Brain Tumour (Medulloblastoma if anyone is wondering) 5 nearly 6 years ago and finished my radio and chemo coming up for 5 years in Jan. 

I've moved onto a different part of my life and have no lasting effects from any of my treatment (for which I am immensely grateful for) hence why I am going on this trip.

However this puts me in a slightly strange situation, firstly the travel insurance companies that offer backpackers insurance instantly write you off when you have a cancerous pre-existing medical condition even when the "last received treatment" box is over 4 years ago. I then researched and looked at some specialist cancer insurers but they don't offer backpackers insurance.

I've looked into doing multi trip insurance however this doesn't work as each trip must be under a certain time (eg many are 30 days) so it specifically needs to be backpackers insurance as they allow multi countries and stays longer than 90 days.

With a month to go before I leave, I'm sure I will be able to sort something but it does put me in a bit of a pinch!! :) 

If anyone has any advice/experience on the subject it would be greatly appreciated - I am going to phone up some companies on my lunch hour at work and see if I get anywhere but I thought I would ask on here aswell! 

Wishing you all well,
