Travel insurance when no definitive name

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  • 19 subscribers

My husband has been diagnosed with blood cancer, spoke to his consultant about going away as we'd tried to get insurance but had no idea what to put for his cancer, he said to put ATYPICAL LYMPHOCTES when trying to get quotes. the thing is nothing comes up for it and the 2 companies I've spoke to said they'd have to speak to underwriters to see if they can insure him. He's on no treatment or medication, and just regular testing. I feel helpless just want to take him away for a few days.

He's on a blood thinner, a statin as a preventative, and a blood pressure medication even though he's blood pressure if fine. Back story was a stroke in deacember which they say the cancer caused. Stroke clinic have discharged him.

  • Hi  ……saying Atypical Lymphocytes is indeed going to be rather vague when talking to insurance companies….. 

    My understanding is Atypical Lymphocytes is either a step before developing one of a number of Blood Cancers or he has actually been diagnosed with a type of Blood Cancer and this will have a specific name…… you need to talk with his consultant again.

    I have lived with and been treated for a 7 in a million type of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma fir over 24 years…. so I know how hard it is to get travel insurance…..

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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