Travel Insurance for Second BC primary

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I'm having problems with the travel insurance companies screening questions. I have had two unrelated cases of breast cancer (20 yrs ago diagnosed with er-,pr-, her2+, last year diagnosed with er+, pr+, her2-. What I want to enter is 1) Breast Cancer - spread to nodes - last treatment 17 years ago and 2) Breast cancer - no spread beyond breast - last treatment within the past 12 months, but the system won't let me. I am travelling to the U.S., so really need to get this one right. Any ideas?   

  • I think your situation doesn't fit the (rather crude) online screening programme they use and you'll need to 'phone them to discuss.

    Hopefully this will enable you to get a reasonable quote. 

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Thank you! Yes, I had to phone and ended up talking to someone for a looong time. 

  • In the end, when I looked at the insurance policy it looked wrong: the policy only specifically mentioned the older cancer which had gotten into the lymph nodes, even though that one is of a type that always returns within a decade. I tried to ask the insurance company about it, but ran into a £15 charge just to talk about an existing policy, so I cancelled and called out another insurance company, All Clear, which seemed to have better trained agents. I still ended up with a policy that mentioned the older case rather than the newer one, which seemed strange. The agent clarified that the systems only allow them to include a condition once and they have to go with the one that seems higher risk.  The insurers don't ask the kinds of questions about type that would allow them to be more accurate.