Might be worth giving your bank a call

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  • 19 subscribers

I had vulva cancer in 2022 and after 2 surgeries am now just on regular check ups, thankfully.  I tried for travel insurance quotes as we are planning to go to the USA this year and was getting quotes of £1000+ friends suggested that I tried my bank, Nationwide and I was so pleased I did. We have our phones, iPads and laptops covered, AA breakdown including home start and our worldwide travel insurance for £13 per month.  No additional charge for my cancer but hubby had to pay £40 for his blood pressure.  Would recommend anyone looking for travel insurance gives their bank a call.

  • Hi  

    That's great that you've been able to get affordable travel insurance to cover your trip and thanks for taking the time to point out that it's always worth checking to see if a bank account has built in travel insurance.

    Hope you have a lovely trip.

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