Looking for travel insurance

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone i have just been diagnosed with renal cancer and i am on a waiting list to have my kidney removed.  I already have insurance with my bank but they have said they will not insure me going forward for my cancer.  I already have a holiday booked for next April so can anyone advise a company that can help with insurance

  • Hi Doris 82 welcome to the forum.  I am sorry to hear what has happened for you but glad that you are thinking positively and arranging a holiday. Lots of people have shared companies they have used and this has bene collated into a thread and I am inserting the link into this message for you . You need only click on this and it will take you straight to this. Hope that you mange to find a company that will be able to sort this out for you.

    Travel Insurance thread


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