Abemaciclib and travel insurance

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Having finished radiotherapy and with prescribed Lerrazole I was able to get travel insurance albeit at a price. 

I now have to decide whether to start taking Aemaciclib

 In addition to side effects  I am concerned whether taking this drug may further impact potential for getting insurance cover when I add it to my declared medicines 

  • Hi  

    I totally understand your anxiety that starting a new medication may impact on you being able to obtain/the price of future travel insurance. 

    I haven't had this drug so I don't know whether it will make any difference or not and I'm guessing that the only way you'd find out would be to speak to a travel insurance company.

    In case you're not aware of it, we do have lots of recommendations for travel insurers in this thread.

    Wishing you all the best with whatever you decide to do.


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