No cancer travel insurance

  • 4 replies
  • 21 subscribers


I was wondering if anyone had obtained travel insurance that would not cover anything cancer so as to keep the premium down?

Also as the site of my rectal tumour has now been removed and I am technically cancer free do I have to even declare rectal cancer?

Bit of a minefield!

Thanks in advance,


  • Hello Rich

    All travel insurance companies use the same system to calculate your premium. After filling out many forms each one then told us to telephone for a quote.

    In the end we rang directly two or three Companies recommended on here and settled with a decent quote from AllClear. At the time I was awaiting radiotherapy and my wife has issues too (medical I may add!).

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hello Richard21,

    You would need to ask potential insurers if they would provide cover excluding cancer to contain cost, but in many cases they may be reluctant to do so. You would really need to 'phone them because their online questions won't cater for this option.

    I'm afraid you will have to declare the rectal cancer in response to the medical questions they ask because, even though it has been removed, if a condition is not declared the insurance will be worthless due to non disclosure of a material fact (in insurance jargon).

    I do hope you can get something organised.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • HI,

    Same situation, with a stoma and also spread to liver. Both now all clear and when I tried numerous companies I was getting quotes of well over £1200 for annual multi trip. Just gave insurancewith a call and having spent ages going through all the questions etc they have quoted £320 !!

  • I'm in Australia now visiting my Son and wife +twin boys. Got a 14 day plan with InsuranceWith for £101 everything disclosed. Thought I'd see how I coped with long haul flight before buying an annual worldwide multitrip @£460 (£1100 to include USA).