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I'm new to the forum and appreciate all the tips and suggestions I've been reading. However, I am a bit lost as I am not really sure what I shouold be looking for in terms of insurance cover. I have tentatively sought quotes which have ranged from £150+ to £700+. I had a bowel cancer operation in July and will shortly be starting chemotherapy. (tests after the op showed one lymph node in 13 taken was positive) I have a pre-booked and paid for cruise holiday in November. I just don't know what I would need in terms of medical cover and what would make me choose one quote more than another.etc. Sorry if this has already been asked ; I have looked through previous posts but didn't find an answer. Thank you in advance.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is an informative and supportive place to be.

    A cruise sounds lovely but unfortunately having a cancer diagnosis can make it more difficult to get reasonably priced travel insurance. You will probably find that insurance to cover a cruise is more expensive than if you were having a land based holiday as it can costs thousands of pounds if you had to be airlifted from the ship or the ship had to make an unexpected call at a port for you to be taken to hospital.

    You might find this information from Macmillan useful in understanding what you need cover for. Personally, the main things I look for are that the insurance will cover my cancer diagnoses and that the cancellation cover is enough for the total cost of the holiday.

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  • Make sure your insurance will cover you for a cruise and that it covers you if you need to be air lifted off the ship. Depending how long your cruise is for I have found a few companies who will only cover for a maximum of either 31 or 45 days of cruising per year on an annual policy. Read also how much medical cover the cruise company expect you to have.

  • Thank you to Latchbrook and Shar and all the previous contributors.I am m very happy that I have managed to find cover through insurancewith. The policy, with extra cover for a cruise, and with medical cover of ten million pounds and cancellation that covers more than the cost of the cruise is £163. Goodtogo was £1525 and Saga was 1488! The difference was quite staggering and worried me so much I had done something wrong that I phoned them and was talked through it so now reassured I have answere everything correctly. Thanks again, what a relief!

  • That's great news  and I hope you have a lovely time Slight smile

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"