New option

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi from a person newly diagnosed with Kidney cancer

I posted yestrday about haveing issues myslef with crazy premiums being quoted despite me have a a Nephrectomy arranged AFTER my trip and offerimng not to have cover for this

Most refused

Some wnated £4500 for a £6k trip ! Ludicrous

Free Spirt and Saga did accept but at around £600

I then tried my own private health (and motor) insurers Avivia and found they offer cover for pre exisiting

Once completed the proposal they excluded the cancer (NO PROBLEM as fit to fly and the premuim was £150!!!

You have to try it yourselves of course but Im delighted

  • Hi again  

    I replied to you earlier in the kidney cancer group and it's great that you've been able to get insurance.

    Have a lovely holiday.

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