Travel Insurance 4 Medical highly recommended

  • 4 replies
  • 20 subscribers

We took out single trip couples cover with this company when my husband was first diagnosed. They covered him on the basis that treatment was needed but hadn't started yet. The premium was a very reasonable £243.87 considering the cancer diagnosis and our numerous other conditions.

I've been stressing for weeks thinking that they would withdraw cover or increase the premium when I told them that he'd had surgery. I am the biggest stress head and worry if I've got nothing to worry about.

Today I decided that the only way to solve this was to email them giving as much information as I could, including telling them he's having his first PSA test tomorrow. I reckoned if I put it in an email there was less chance of missing something and I would have evidence that we'd been truthful.

I honestly need not have worried. They emailed back and said someone would call me before 5:30 pm. I then got a call from a lovely lady who said she would amend the policy and check if there was any additional premium to pay. Result, there was no increase and the confirmation with the updated health declaration was received.

I checked the wording and it just said treatment completed within the past 12 months. I told them in my email that I would let them know if there are any changes and I emphasised this over the phone stating that regular PSA tests will be needed as thing's can change with prostate cancer.

If anyone is struggling to find cover I can highly recommend this company.

  • Hi  

    That's great to hear that you've been able to get reasonably priced travel insurance and thanks very much for taking the time to share your experience with the other members of the group.

    I wonder if you could do me a favour and also post your recommendation in the Recommended travel insurance 2023 thread, as I don't think this is one that has me recommended there before. To get to that thread just click on the link I've created.

    I hope you and your husband have some lovely holidays

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Latchbrook 

    I clicked on your link but I couldn't work out how to post the recommendation in that thread to give it the widest audience so I ended up posting it as a new thread in the travel insurance for cancer forum. 

    I tried to copy and paste what I had written as well but it wouldn't let me paste it so I had to re type it all out again.

  • Hi  

    The online community can be a bit tricky to navigate until you get used to it but to add a post to an existing thread you need to click on 'Reply'. I'll get the community moderators to move your new post to the thread.

    I don't know why your mobile/tablet/PC wouldn't let you copy and paste, so thanks very much for taking the time to type it all out again. 


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • No problem and thank you for getting this shared on the new thread. 

    Supporting others is a good as being supported.