Uk pretty destination for few days - non driving

  • 5 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Having always enjoyed countryside locations we now find ourselves unable to drive.

Anyone with uk suggestions for a mini break?
So therapeutic to be able to have a few days R &R, really feeling the loss of independence since brain tumour diagnosis

Thank you 

  • Hi Broady

    I can empathise. Living in a very rural area (more horses on the road than cars) it is difficult to make the adjustment to life without a driving license. (also because of a brain tumour, or more specifically, because of seizures caused by the brain tumour, and then surgery for it).

    Where are you based now and what is your preferred method of travel?


  • Hi TracyP

    Thank  you for your message,  I guess train travel will be our best option now although we have started to talk about the option of some kind of coach holiday. Hoping to find places with enough to do and see without needing to travel around. We are based in Kent with reasonable access to rail travel.

  • Hi Broady

    So presumably somewhere towards southern England? How about basing yourself in somewhere like Bath or Salisbury? They should both be fairly accessible by train. Both are attractive with visitor sites and would allow you to get local buses to visit other towns or maybe get an organised day trip to the Cotswolds or New Forest from these? If you're thinking of further north then York maybe a good option.

    Are you also on the brain tumour groups? There maybe more folk who can offer their experience on travel following the loss of their driving license. This group is more focussed on sharing news on companies that may be able to help provide travel insurance for overseas than the practicalities of uk travel.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you TP 

    a few appointments coming up shortly but will give thought to your suggestions and keep gathering info for when we are ready to take our break.

    thanks again and very best wishes 
