Forced to travel without insurance

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  • 19 subscribers

I tried several different travel insurance companies some were on the recommended list. We have a second home in France which my husband had already travelled too to put the house up for sale. Obviously I wanted to visit, had not been since Covid. I needed to go and bring back personal items, decide together what to do re furnishing and of course meet up with old friends.

I was diagnosed in October 22 with stomach cancer was told not operable without treatment I had six months with chemo I could have a possible 15/18 months!

I initially applied on line to each company sometimes it took over an hour and at the end I would get a message asking me to give them a call. This I did they then went through the whole form with me again only to be told that I was refused. I have in the past had two heart attacks and have a stent. I knew I wouldn’t be covered for any heart condition whilst abroad or anything regarding the cancer. However I would have liked cover for for loss of luggage, travel cancellation by providers those general travel problems that occur from time to time.

I have been given a lifeline by having treatment to do things I want to do in the time I am buying with my treatment. Since on this occasion I was travelling by car from one home to the other. Travelling via shuttle in the car the whole time not likely to lose my luggage could do exactly in the second home as in the first home, had a seven day gap between treatments we went for the week did what we had to do No Insurance. 

surely there has to be some type of insurance which can allow people with terminal illness who have the blessing of their consultant at certain time in their palliative care to travel abroad to fulfil dreams without such absorbent costs. I risked it on this last trip because it was home from home! I would very much like to again to other places in Europe which will involve flights and hotels I don’t expect to be covered for death abroad or be covered for repatriating me home I just want some very general  simple cover that is affordable for me to enjoy the time my fabulous oncoligists are giving me.

  • Hi  

    Unfortunately, as you have found, it can be hard to find insurance if you are terminal. I don't have any personal recommendations to make but you might want to look through these posts from other members of the group who have a terminal illness to see which travel insurance company they used.

    It might also be an idea to join and post this question in the living with incurable cancer group as I know many members of that group still travel abroad. If this is something that you' like to do, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. Once you've joined you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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