Making a claim on travel insurance

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi. I am looking for travel insurance for a holiday abroad later this year. I've recently had breast cancer so I know I have to declare that etc. When researching various insurance companies, many will have glowing reports for when the policy was created  'ease of using website', 'staff were very helpful etc but most seem to score incredibly low when it comes to their help when making a claim. I've read some really appalling stories. So what I am trying to find out is a recommendation for an insurance company who were excellent when a claim was made. Hopefully I won't need to make a claim, obviously, but it would be good to know that if I did,  I would get excellent customer care. Thank you. 

  • Hi  

    I was insured with when I had to cancel my holiday because of a breast cancer diagnosis. They were easy to deal with and although there was lots of paperwork to assemble to support my claim, it was all clearly explained and I received payment after submitting my claim.


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  • Thank you very much for your reply. I'll have a look at their website tomorrow.