Getting my father back to the UK

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi there

My father has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and is currently in India. We want to get him back to the UK asap to start treatment. We've reached out to BA airline to understand how we can go about this and the requirements to be fit for travel. They sent some info of the medical forms we need to fill in, and mentioned about having insurance as an option.

Is anyone able to advise how we can go about getting travel insurance for this? The best company to perhaps use? Is it possible to get insurance for this at all?

We only need this for the flight and currently exploring best options. So if anyone has any idea, I would be most grateful.

Many thanks


  • Hello Joop

    Sorry to hear of the situation with your father. 

    As far as I am aware all travel insurance policies issued in the UK state that travel must begin and end in the UK. I can't think of any where I have come across (I used to work in the insurance industry so read the small print!) that will provide insurance where the insured is already abroad. So, following that thought through could you look to getting a policy in India as, from an insurance perspective that will be the 'start' of the travel.

    This is purely a personal opinion - there maybe policies out there that will work I just doubt the mainstream insurers could help.

    You may find it better to phone rather than try and fill in endless online questions which may not be appropriate.

    Good luck in your search. 


  • Hi Tracy

    Thanks for much for getting back to me and providing the above info.

    Having thought about it, I'm not sure we would be able to get insurance, as basically we'd need to get the insurance and then my dad needs to fly back straight away.....unsure if any insurance companies would allow that with his condition. But I'm no expert at all in this area!

    But thanks so much


  • sorry for the late reply.  BA suggest it as an option.  So it is not a requirement to travel. 

    What are the risks of a medical incident occurring on the flight that requires a diversion to a country that will not provide emergency treatment FOC?  Following on from that, irrespective of that risk in the event of an emergency diversion there is repatriation costs - medical or otherwise.  These are realistically the risks being insured.  Only you know your father's medical status and can make a judgement as to your risk appetite. 

    The final thing to consider is his residence status with regard to UK NHS treatment.  Age UK have a good factsheet on returning residents and what they can get access to and under what conditions.  May be worth checking that out.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey