Finally a good price for travel insurance

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers

After searching for a long time to find affordable travel insurance for my husband who has bowel cancer ( diagnosed 2 years ago ) which has spread to lung and liver ( and still spreading ) and he also has blood clots on the lung ( and is on blood thinners ) I have today found some insurance for £709 .  
We are going to Dubai for 10 days in June . 

Previously quoted £4000 plus ….. which is absolutely ridiculous, not only is the fact that dealing with cancer is hard enough … when looking to do something to make memories and bring a little happiness it’s crushed by these extortionate prices .  Costing more than the holiday . 

so I found a company called 


( which I found on this forum , so I am passing my experience to you and I hope it helps . 

  • That's great to read that a travel insurance company recommended in this forum has been able to provide you with the cover you need  

    Thanks very much for taking the time to tell us about your experience, and I hope you have a lovely holiday in Dubai.


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