travel insurance with terminal diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hello. I am trying to go away on some trips and I have incurable liver cancer with a terminal diagnosis. I am being truthful on all travel quotes and I think as soon as you tick the box for terminal they are unable to quote. Has anyone got any recommendations or advice on this as really want to go travelling but finding it impossible ?

  • I have stage 4 lung cancer classed as treatable but uncureable. I am just going through another round of chem and some new radiation for my lymph nodes.  I have just got a multi trip Europe policy very reasonably from it includes all medical bits but not cancellations.  But jet2 were quite happy for me cancel and gave me a credit note to rebook. It cost less to do this than most excess costs.


  • Hi  

    Unfortunately, as you've discovered, it can be more difficult to get travel insurance when you've had a cancer diagnosis.

    I don't know if you've had chance to look through the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet, as it's where the majority of recommendations from other forum members are. If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. There are lots of recommendations there so it's best to go through the thread, make a list and then sit down with a big cup of tea to start phoning around.

    You might need to check what the travel insurers class as 'terminal' when you complete your quotes. You'll see in this reply by pollyalison to a previous post in this group that "some companies class 6 months as terminal and others 12 months but if you do not have a prognosis you are classed as incurable not terminal."

    A former member posted here in a reply to another poster "If your husband is still receiving treatment, then he is not terminal. I am treatable but not curable but most certainly not terminal."

    So, phoning the insurers rather than doing online quotes is possibly the way to go so that you can make sure that you're answering the questions correctly.

    I do hope you can get travel insurance so that you can go travelling


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  • thanks, bit of a tricky question I know but did you say yes when they asked if it was terminal ? am finding it impossible to get a quote that doesnt cost the earth.

  • I was totally honest. I'm classed as terminal but treatable. 

  • Thanks. Much appreciated.