Insurance after Radical prostatectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers


I had my prostatectomy on the 2nd May and will have my first phone appointment on 17th July  to discuss my PSA level and what was found after they looked at prostate. I have got to pay outstanding balance of a holiday that we are going on in September, on the 6th June. Not sure what to do about insurance, as if I wait until after I have had my phone appointment, I would have paid the holiday off but might not be able to get or afford insurance. Would the insurance company give me cover before I have had my first phone appointment?

Any advice would be appreciated. 




    Hi Colin

    It can be more difficult to get travel insurance when you've had a cancer diagnosis and, since my diagnoses, I don't book a holiday until I can be sure that I'll be able to get cover.

    When you apply for travel insurance you need to answer the questions accurately. If you fail to declare your cancer diagnosis on the application, the insurer could deny any claim you have to make. So, if the company ask if you've ever had cancer you will have to say yes. Sometimes they ask if you've been diagnosed in the last so many years, so again you need to answer that correctly.

    I don't know if you've had chance to look through the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet, as it's where the majority of recommendations from other forum members are. If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. There are lots of recommendations there so it's best to go through the thread, make a list and then sit down with a big cup of tea to start phoning around.

    Make sure that you have all the information to hand about your diagnosis and treatment before contacting the insurers. This is a list of things an insurance provider might want to know when you're applying for insurance. Some providers might ask for a letter from your doctor saying that you are well enough to travel. This could come from your cancer team or GP.

    I hope this helps and let us know how you get on


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  • Hi Colin I am insured with stay sure and had made them aware of my Prostate cancer I was on watch and wait but now I need treatment going for brachytherapy.  So phoned the travel insurance company stated the change to my treatment they then removed my cover for my cancer but also for my high cholesterol so no cover for these but all other cover stays the same  no extra charge.

    So yes you can get insurance but may find that they exclude cover for your cancer and any treatment abroad relating to it. Suppose if you want cover for your Cancer as well it may cost a lot.

    I am happy with it not being included on my insurance