Excluding cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Can anyone recommend a travel insurer please? I have 2 short trips to Spain coming up and I'd like to get some travel insurance.

I am currently being treated for breast cancer and my condition is very much under control through monthly drug interventions. So far two insurers have point blank refused to sell me any insurance as I'm undergoing treatment and one wanted to charge me over £600 for 5 days cover!! 

What I'd really like is a policy that excludes cover for my cancer, I really just need something that can see me supported if anything else happens, broken leg, appendicitis etc?? I've had a more reasonable quote from another company but it's still quite high and they won't exclude my cancer cover.

Can anyone help?

Thank you Blush 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Unfortunately, as you've found, it can be more difficult to find reasonably priced travel insurance when you've had a cancer diagnosis.

    I don't know if you looked at the recommendations from other group members in the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet, but if not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. There are a lot of recommendations in the thread so the easiest thing is to make a list and then start phoning the companies.

    None of the companies specifically deal with travel insurance for people who want to exclude their cancer diagnosis, so I've searched the group and found this recent thread where the possibility of getting a cancer diagnosis excluded from travel insurance is being discussed. You could join in with the conversation to see if any of the posters have managed to get travel insurance that excludes their cancer diagnosis.


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  • Many thanks for this, I'll have a look Blush