Travel insurance on Clinical Trial

  • 3 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I have stage 4 ovarian cancer and am currently on weekly Taxol via a clinical trial,(B96).  On this trial I am also getting either Immunotherapy drug or a Placebo.  It is a double blind trial so neither I nor the doctors know if I am geting the immunotherapy.

I also have a couple of other treatment induced conditions eg high BP to declare.

Struggling to find travel insurance that will cover clinical trials.   Anyone had similar?

StaySure and InsuranceWith are two that have refused me so far (there are others). 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the travel insurance group.

    Unfortunately, it can be more difficult to find travel insurance when you've had a cancer diagnosis.

    I don't know if you looked at the recommendations from other group members in the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet, but if not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. There are a lot of recommendations in the thread so the easiest thing is to make a list and then start phoning the companies.

    None of the companies specifically deal with travel insurance for people who are on clinical trials, so I've searched the group and found that the most recent posters who mentioned looking for travel insurance while on a clinical trial were  and  I've 'tagged' them into my reply and hope that they'll pop on and tell you how they got on.


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  • Hi Rikl123,

    I’m sorry I have no encouraging news as yet. Unfortunately along with the glimmer of hope a clinical trial offers comes the Pariah effect whereby insurers, on hearing the words “Clinical Trial” suddenly tear up your application and run for the hills.RageCry I haven’t entirely stopped looking, but we’ve pretty much binned our plans to travel abroad.

  • Update: thanks to Martin Lewis’ Money Saving Expert email, I discovered some companies that look more hopeful. 
    First there’s.   medical travel 

    they then show you other companies such as All Clear 

    So far I’ve had a single trip quote for just over £1k which is the cheapest I’ve found so far. Multitrip is double that plus.

    However, there was no means by which to say the magic words “Clinical Trial” and they’ve not heard of my husband’s other rare condition: Degos disease, so once I get chatting to them I expect things will look less rosy. Still it might be useful for some of you, so thought I’d post it here. Good luck.