Metastasised cancers and Clinical Trials

  • 8 replies
  • 21 subscribers


My husband has stage 4 renal cancer which has metastasised to his hip, chest wall, lungs and stomach. He’s been diagnosed and treated for 2 years and has been doing well on immunotherapy and more recently Tivozanib as part of a clinical trial. His scans currently show the tumours as being stable.

As a bucket list item, we’d hoped to go to France for a couple of months in our motorhome, but getting insurance is like trying to nail jelly to a wall.

My eyes watered when having completed all the questions about the cancer, for a Single Trip, they were quoting £1800-£2500, then I had to contact them by phone to be more closely scrutinised. I wove through all the detailed interrogation until the words CLINICAL TRIAL were forced from me. At that point I heard the door slam in my face.

It seems we are not touchable with a bargepole!

My poor husband, on accepting his impending death, asked the consultant if he could travel abroad and was encouraged to do so and to “fill his boots” so to speak, but as far as insurance companies are concerned, he should sit quietly in the crematorium waiting room awaiting his turn. I feel so angry and upset about this.


Does anyone know of any insurance company willing to take a punt on a cancer patient that is on a Clinical Trial, without us taking out a mortgage to pay the premium?

  • I've no answers but I'm in a similar position.  I'm doing fab on treatment but awaiting a nasal endoscopy for investigation into a minor side effect.  It's a non-event medically.  But I can't fit it into the "standard" response as it's a new symptom.  Although the investigation is routine ENT, it's not cancer maintenance.    I can't get reasonable priced cover as a result.  I've been quoted £1300 but only £330 before I remembered the appointment.  I'm most annoyed at giving Easyjet a free £600.  Last minute dot com holiday strategy from here on, after ENT can accommodate me.  

  • Glad to hear your treatment is going well. Commiserations in respect of the insurance.

    it’s a shame that there isn’t some charitable/co-operative organisation that could provide emergency cover and or repatriation to incurable patients.. Cry

  • Have you tried insureancewith dot com?  That's who my £300 was from and they were happy to cover if I was stable or shrinking and no outstanding appointments (routine scans and bloods excepted), all online without talking to anyone.  I'm mRCC too, but mets to lung have been sent on their way.  I don't remember any Qs referring to clinical trials, but then the Questionnaire is probably dynamic according to your situation.  

  • Thanks Mmum, I’ll give them a try. X

  • Hi, try Insurewith. They are an excellent price. My hubby is on chemo now but when he took out annual insurance for EU travel last Oct he had stage 4 lung cancer in hip and lymph as well and was on a trial and only paid £234. He’s 71. 

  • my partner has just went thru tonsil cancer and we wanted to go on a big family holiday , i was dreading the insurance part ,we always use alpha travel insurance so thought id get a quote n see , was really surprised when my quote came back for £50 for the 2 of us , have checked over every detail n fully covered for what we need , thats for 2 of us 2 weeks in spain 

  • Wow that’s fantastic news. What trial was he on?

  • That seems too good to be true.  I’ll try Alpha and see what they say. Thank you. I hope your partner is recovering well. Enjoy your holiday. 
    One thing - mask up on the plane. We’ve just come back from a week in Spain and both had a horrific cold type virus. My husband went on to have a chest infection and is still not 100%.