Finally covered - what a relief!

  • 3 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Well we finally have insurance.   Hubby had rung a number of companies, most of which said they don’t cover lung cancer full stop and the three that did had quoted anything from £1,100 to £2,500 for an 8 day cruise in Germany.   The cancer was removed in a lobectomy and he is currently cancer free with no chemo required but that didn’t enter the equation. 

In addition, Holiday Extras, who’ve always been happy to cover his prostate cancer as long as it was being controlled by medication, have now excluded it as they no longer cover people on ongoing medication (a new ruling by the underwriters apparently).

He should have tried Insurancewith first.   After about 45 minutes of questioning by a pleasant lady, even covering his childhood asthma, she agreed to cover both lung and prostate cancers and he was offered a single trip price of £251less a 5% discount for being a new customer.    The price excludes Spain but as we’re going to Germany there’s no problem.   We’re curious as to how those other companies can justify such high prices just for Europe.

  • Hi  

    That's great news that you've been able to find an insurer to cover your husband's cancers and at a reasonable price. I know that insurancewith are often recommended in this group so it's good to know that they're still providing affordable travel insurance.

    I hope you have a lovely holiday and thanks for taking the time to come back and share your experience with us all.


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  • I had leukemia apl last year and now in remission. I've found insurance with insurancewith. They will pay out millions in. Emergency care but not in hospital admittance. I'm very confused about the difference between the two. I've been quoted multi trip for 300 pound or so but I can't understand why it's so cheap. Thanks in advance 

  • Hi, Our Insurancewith policy says that we have a £500 excess on hospital admittance cover but not on emergency care. Have just found this explanation on Travel Insured’s website.  Hope it helps:  

    “Medical and Repatriation Expenses is the most important part of the travel insurance cover we provide. It covers the cost of emergency medical treatment whilst you are away and repatriation back to the UK if you are not well enough to travel on your pre-arranged transport.  Repatriation could be on: an alternative scheduled flight, with a medical escort on a scheduled flight or by air ambulance.  This would, of course, all be depending on what was deemed medically necessary.

    Hospital benefit is a fixed benefit that an insured person can claim if they are hospitalised for more than 24 hours during their holiday.  It is designed to cover additional expenses that you may incur as a result of being in hospital, for example: food,. drink, newspapers, books.  Hospital Benefit is part of our package of Medical Expenses cover, but should not be confused with the total amount of cover we provide to cover the cost of emergency medical treatment abroad.”