Feeling very cheated and upset

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  • 19 subscribers


I had  breast cancer in 2014 had chemo radiotherapy mastectomy and immediate reconstruction  I went on to get all clear so absolutely so happy, anyway fast forward to 2022 I took out Travel Insurance with Admiral a big company i thought would be the best for myself and my Husband as we had a Holiday which we had saved for in Ibiza for a week 

In September i had a girls break in Majorca 2 days in i felt a small lump on implant so was reeling you can imagine what my holiday was like 

I got in touch with breastcare and i had an appointment the day after i flew home and was told an emergency op as implant was coming through skin I had caught Covid on plane so had to wait a further 5 days for surgery, they told us I couldn’t fly to Ibiza needs no explanation  I just had a meltdown, I then told Insurance and to be Honest they have given me 6 months of stress had me running around sending Information so many times I’ve lost count each time i emailed info they made me wait 30 days before answering then asked for it again and again ! When they must have known the outcome and just stung me along, today because i have complained they have got back to me and told me….No help from us i feel like i have been given the all clear but Labeled by them with a big C on my forehead if you break your arm or leg 9 years ago do you have to keep on about it ? I am so upset of my treatment from Admiral, then i get a call just now offering me £75 for the stress they have caused me ? Please if anyone is thinking of using Admiral DONT ! 
any advise here would be appreciated 

I also feel stand up to them Cancer is in a lot of our lives friends family children and should be accepted and talked about not treated like lepers 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    It's a very difficult time when you are given a cancer diagnosis and the last thing you need is further stress when you need to claim for a cancelled holiday and I'm sorry to read how you were messed around recently.

    Last year I had to claim for 2 holidays that I had booked when I was diagnosed with cancer. One had been fully paid for and the other had just had a deposit paid. They were insured with two different travel insurance companies and, although I did have to send lots of paperwork to them and had to wait several months they did pay out.

    It can be more difficult to find reasonably priced travel insurance when you have been diagnosed with cancer so when you are ready to book a new holiday check out the 'recommended travel insurance' thread beforehand, as that's where the majority of recommendations are from other members of this community. 


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thank you for your welcome 

    My Journey has been a rollercoaster many things have happened  to me every one has a life story i have just read yours hope you don’t mind 

    In 2014

    I had BC Mastectomy Chemo Radiation and was very ill with it all leading up to it I lost my Dad he had kidney failure was on dialysis’s at home 10 hours a day then my Uncle a few months later I cared for both also my Mum  who was stone deaf it was very hard it almost broke me My Husband left me it was the strain of it all

    I then got skin Cancer which was cut out and hopefully all good this was 7 years back 

    I-got through it all then lost my mum 

    my husband and i sorted it out and got back together but it has changed me so much i have so much  respect for Nurses who got me through i did  Hadirians wall walk and raised £6000 for BC help centre in Hereford 

    I was just so upset about my treatment from Admiral i needed to vent off they phoned me yesterday and said we will give you £75 for stress Face palm an insult to us  I feel so sad that ppl treat us like they do 

    anyway thanks for advice x

  • I'm sorry to read how much you've gone through over the last few years  and of course I don't mind you reading my profile, that's what it's there for 

    Please be reassured that there are lots of travel insurance companies out there who are happy to provide cover for people who have, or have had cancer. This year I used goodtogoinsurance.com and last year payingtomuch.com. 

    I hope you have some lovely holidays planned for when you finish treatment.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"