Getting travel insurance quotes after surgery

  • 2 replies
  • 21 subscribers

My husband had a lung lobectomy in January and has been told that all cancer was removed and no chemo is required.   As he’s now recovered (apart from being slightly more breathless now) we decided to celebrate by booking an 8 day Rhine cruise.   We expected the travel insurance to be quite high but we didn’t expect to find that no companies would even give us a quote (apart from Saga who quoted £1300, half the cost of the holiday!).  Eventually a helpful chap at Insurancewith explained that nobody will offer insurance within at least 3 months of cancer surgery (sometimes up to a year) and advised us to try again in May, when the 3 months would be up.

Fortunately the trip isn’t until June so we still have time and hopefully someone will be happy to insure us by then.  I must say we’re curious as to whether this rule applies to all cancer surgery or just lung cancer, bearing in mind the breathlessness factor.


  • Hi  

    I've just looked at a couple of travel insurance policies I've had in the past and it says that you have to be 3 months clear of surgery. So that would suggest any type of surgery not just surgery for cancer.


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  • Thank you for checking.  Must bear that in mind for any future operations we may need.  The situation has never arisen before.  I'm sure the clinic would have warned us about that if we'd thought to ask them.