Terminal meaning

  • 4 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I have read an awful lot of messages around insurance since trying to get some for my sister.  I did eventually but at a huge cost.  My question is what is classed as terminal?   I read online that terminal cancer cannot be controlled, or that terminal diagnosis is for someone who is not expected to live more than six months.  I am wondering now if l have answered this question incorrectly when asked by the insurance companies, whilst my sisters cancer cannot be cured it is being controlled and monitored with medication .  The consultant has never said the word terminal so what would be the correct answer for future insurance. 

  • Hi  

    I personally don't know what the definition of terminal is but you might want to have a look at this reply by pollyalison to a previous post in this group where she points out that "some companies class 6 months as terminal and others 12 months but if you do not have a prognosis you are classed as incurable not terminal."

    A former member posted here in a reply to another poster "If your husband is still receiving treatment, then he is not terminal. I am treatable but not curable but most certainly not terminal."

    So, I think the best thing to do when getting quotes is to ask the insurer for their definition.

    I hope this helps.


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  • Thanks l have read the review to the previous post most helpful 

  • My husband is in a similar position to your sister.  He has prostate cancer which cannot be cured but it has been controlled with medication for several years now.  The insurers have always asked him if it's under control and been happy to insure him - for very reasonable premiums too.   His consultant has never said it's terminal either.  I hope you have more luck in future.

  • Thank you it is a big learning curve at present so it is very helpful to have other peoples experience