Low neutrophil count

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

My husband has essential thrombocythemia and in January we booked a holiday to Cyprus for the 23rd of April, took out holiday insurance, declared his condition and he was accepted.   He takes Hydroxycarbamide and at the time of booking his blood tests were ok, however his latest blood test 2/52 ago showed that his neutrophil account is down to 1 and his Dr has raised concerns regarding his flight risk because of his vulnerability to infection. She has reduced his medication, he has a further blood test followed by a consultation on April 17th,and she had advised us to wait until then before notifying our insurance company which will be less than a week before we are due to travel. We are unsure as to whether we should contact them asap as we are concerned waiting might jeopardise our claim should he be deemed unfit to travel. Has anyone else found themselves in this situation?. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that your husband's recent blood tests have raised concerns over whether he should fly or not and I can understand your dilemma about when to tell your travel insurance company.

    I think the best place to ask this question might be in the ask a financial guide section of the online community, as there's unlikely to be anyone in this group who's had exactly the same experience as your husband to be able to share their experience.

    To post your question to a financial guide, just click on the link I've created and then start a new post. It would be great if you could update this post with the guide's reply for anyone else in a similar situation in future.

    I do hope your holiday can go ahead


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  • If you haven't done so already, I'd suggest you check your policy for any notification requirements regarding health changes, for example my policy states I must inform them of several changes including if my doctor changes my medication which has happened with your husband. I see your husband's doctor has advised you to wait but they are not insuring you.

    I hope you get this sorted so you can both enjoy the trip to Cyprus.

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