So very disheartening

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I have finally been able to get my sister travel insurance including all her cancer cover, but at a huge cost not just financially £1370 but mentally.  Each time l tried a company l was left feeling that she was a second class citizen,  and this is just for one trip no one will consider an annual policy so l will have to do this all over again if she remains well enough.

I do not know how anyone who has cancer can cope with the rejection time after time.  l am heartbroken because l know this may be one of the last times we can go on holiday but to have all this additional stress dealing with companies with the same question format without compassion.   How are we supposed to make memories if you are denied opportunities because you have this dreadful disease.   

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    That's great that you were able to get travel insurance for your sister but you're right that it can take a long time to find reasonably priced insurance when you've been diagnosed with cancer.

    Can I ask if you used one of the specialist insurers that are recommended in the Recommended Travel Insurance thread here in this group? If not, next time you might want to have a look through to see which companies have received recommendations from other people with cancer before you start phoning around.

    I've personally used both and and found them very reasonable.

    I hope you and your sister have some lovely holidays.


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  • Hello latchbrook. Thank you for your good wishes.  I tried various companies mentioned on this thread with no luck, then l phoned one of the brokers on the directory of money helper .org.  who  put me through to All Clear for a quote.  I still looked around but no one else would insure her under £2,000.  It’s ridiculous she is stable and on chemo tablets but because she can’t walk very far without getting out of breath it seems she is higher risk.  Surely there should be some sort of regulator to ensure affordable travel insurance for cancer patients.   What about the people who do not have the resources to pay these exorbitant amounts.

    It is great to have the opportunity to share information so l am grateful for this thread.