Non travelling relative insurance query

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

My mum has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, which is sadly inoperable, and she is now in palliative care. Before this diagnosis I took out travel insurance for a holiday we have booked for July. My question is, should I inform my travel insurance of my mother’s diagnosis now, or do I wait in case I need to make a claim which means I couldn’t travel?

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    I think the answer to your question is that you'll need to look at what the terms and conditions of your travel insurance says. For example, my current insurer says:

    "Non-travelling relatives
    If you have a non-travelling close relative with an existing medical condition who dies or falls seriously ill, and as a result you wish to cancel or curtail your trip, you will be covered only if the relative’s Medical Practitioner states that at the time the insurance was taken out, or the trip was booked, whichever is the latter, he/she would not have foreseen such a serious deterioration in his or her patient’s existing medical condition."


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  • I’m in the same position and it’s very difficult to know where to start, whilst also dealing with the guilt that you’ve booked a holiday in the first place.