Metastatic cancer

  • 3 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Having trouble getting cover at reasonable cost for Canada for end of March. Prostatectomy in 2016, Radiotherapy in 2010. Cancer detected in July last year as having returned with scan in October showing cancer in lower abdomen and hip. Treatment started 6 months ago, hormone injections and tablets, enzalutimide. Scan last week showed cancer cells have greatly reduced to virtually nil and continuing with treatment. Only travel quote is £2,700 from All Clear. Any body came across better alternatives?

  • We have had a vey reasonable quote from Insurancewith for Jersey £180 & for Europe £750 for an annual policy. It took about 40 minutes on the phone.

    All clear quoted £1200 for a week or £3,500 for Europe

    It pays to shop around.

  • Hi Sues64, thank you very much for the info about Insurancewith. My wife and I are off to the Canaries next week and I was getting quotes for insurance around £2000, the holiday was only £1200. Insurancewith quoted £70, much more like it for a weeks holiday. Thank you again.

  • Hi Mossie71 that’s great news enjoy yourselves.