Claims experience?

  • 4 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi, I’m in the midst of booking travel insurance and just wondered if anyone has experience (good or bad) of the customer experience or claims experience of any of the companies that get mentioned on this forum - especially AllClear and InsuranceWith? There are big price differentials on the quotes I’m getting and I’m not sure if it’s a case of “you get what you pay for”? Thanks! 

  • I have phoned up both AllClear and InsureanceWith and used their online quote portals too.     Both were equally professional, AC £1000 more than IW who ultimately declined to provide cover (outstanding unrelated appt).  I refuse to disproportionally add to an insurance company's profits so unless I can truthfully answer the "right" way to the critical insurance question I failed with IW, we're not travelling this summer.    

  • Hi  

    I don't have any experience claiming with the two companies that you mention but I did have to put a claim in on two insurance policies I had taken out with when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year.

    I had to cancel two holidays, one had been fully paid for and the other just the deposit. It took about 2 months from claiming to getting my money back, but the claim forms and documentation they required were straight forward and they didn't quibble paying out for either holiday.


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  • I had a policy with IW, and about a week before I was due to visit Malta I developed a new condition and had to have my gallbladder removed meaning I had to cancel the holiday.  They settled the claim very quickly and in full, however they did then decline to offer me any further cover.  I would recommend them as they were cheaper than elsewhere,  but don't expect to get further cover following a claim.