Insure Cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

My advice on obtaining travel insurance from this company is, don’t waste your and your oncologists time, find someone else.
We made an application to them went through there lengthy questionnaire. They then asked that they send a questionnaire to my wife’s oncologist, we agreed this thinking it would not be to much trouble. It took her oncologist 40 minutes to complete this form and it was sent back with my wife’s permission.
We had to chase the company for a quote to be told that the oncologist’s department had not sent attachments they had asked for, whether they were asked for or not is questionable, but they could not quote without this additional information.

We decided that it was not worthwhile to proceed further and cost the oncologist further time and hassle especially as they we pre indicating more than £400 for one week’s cover and we have a quote for under £80 for that length of time.

We asked that she received a copy of the questionnaire but was refused? 

So we won’t be visiting their door again it took to long to not get a very expensive quote.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read about your recent experience when trying to get travel insurance for yourself and your wife. It's hard enough having to jump through all the hoops to try and get cover without companies making it even more stressful.

    However, I'm please that you're sorted now and I hope you have a lovely time.


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