Feel helpless wish I could do more

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  • 19 subscribers

My wife was diagnosed iwith bowel cancer in June last year by way of an endoscopy. We then had scans which showed liver cancer and spots in lungs. She then had chemo which made her blood platelets low so delayed the chemo. Had the chemo then more scans and now they are saying chemo didn't work and cancer is worse in her lungs. So it's more chemo .. I stupidly asked for a prognosis and they said without chemo she has a year but with maybe 2 years. I'm absolutely shattered and devastated. I feel like I'm helpless and should do more. I'm still working but have to now think about when to stop as can't leave her in pain. We want to have a holiday but I just wonder if she will be strong enough. She's in a lot of pain and spending more and more time in bed which is not her at all,before all this she was constantly on the go. It's heart breaking to see her like this. 

Thank you for reading this it's good to know there's people out there that understand. I just wish I could take it off her.

  • Hi  

    I certainly hope that you and your wife can get away for a break. I can see in another thread that you've said that you've got insurance with All Clear for a trip to Greece in April.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi latchbrook our favourite place is Crete in Greece and always go for her birthday but I just hope she is strong enough. Don't have chemo dates yet so don't know if to leave chemo and try and go or have chemo and hope she is strong enough to go 

  • I've never been to Crete but years ago we did go go to Corfu and thoroughly enjoyed the Greek way of life.

    As I think you probably know, the best person to ask about when it would be best to go would be your wife's oncologist. You'll probably need to speak to them anyway to check that they are happy for your wife to travel.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi latchbrook we asked the oncologist she simply looked at us and said it's up to us but you could tell she didn't think it was a good idea. She said they can delay the chemo but that would not be a good idea and she said to get the right insurance. I'm not sure if my wife could sit on a plane for 4 hours and then sit in the sun as chemo makes it dangerous to do so. It seems everything is against us. We may just stay home and get away if and when we can.

  • There are some lovely places in this country  

    My last year was filled with surgery and chemo so we went away little and often, ie for a maximum of 3 days at a time in between my chemo sessions. We only went about an hour to an hour and a half a way from home so that most of the time was spent at our destination and not travelling. I thoroughly enjoyed the breaks and it often felt like we'd been away for longer as we always went somewhere quiet and relaxing.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"