Multitrip Europe annual policy - Lymphoma & Ischemic Heart Disease

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

I've just completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy for DLBCL Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, and also had a stent fitted for Ischemic Heart Disease, so I thought I'd have big problems getting travel insurance. I want to go on a cruise in May this year around the Eastern Mediterranean, and also have a trip to Turkey in the late summer.

After a lot of digging around the internet I got an annual policy with STAYSURE which would accept these two pre-existing conditions, and it only cost £350  ...... a lot less than some companies were asking, and my existing policy with my bank just flatly refused to quote.

I'm hoping to go to visit some friends in Florida in 2024.... that will need a complete new policy, so I'll try again nearer the time.



    Hi Steve

    Thanks very much for taking the time to post your recommendation of Staysure for annual European cover.

    I hope you have some lovely holidays.


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