Travel insurance advice

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

We are new to this group, my husband has been diagnosed with liver cancer and we have a fly/cruise booked since February 22, we are supposed to be going 10th December 22 for 2 weeks. We took out travel insurance at the same time. This has now been cancelled by them after we phoned and let them know about this cancer diagnosis and we are having trouble getting insurance elsewhere. Does anyone have advice of a travel insurance company that can help us. the cancer has only just been diagnosed and he is continuing to have treatment. We think that is why we are being refused, but the consultant has said he is fit to travel at the moment...many thanks in advance.

  • Hi

    Unfortunately, as you have found, it can be more difficult to find travel insurance with a cancer diagnosis.

    Have you had chance to look at the recommendations in the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. You might also want to look at this thread as it includes a link to a Travel Insurance Directory. 

    Most people recommend that it's best to phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also, sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


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  • This may not help with gaining insurance, but review this link from the financial ombudsman Change in health (

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey