Cruise Insurance pending treatment

  • 7 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi, I would really appreciate any thoughts from this group about obtaining cruise travel insurance where the main block appears to be that my radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer is still in the future, although it should be complete well before we have to pay the final balance. Here’s the full story …

A year and a half ago, my wife and I booked a world voyage with Cunard; four friends are due to be on the same cruise. My diagnosis with prostate cancer at the very end of last year came as a surprise, as I had none of the usual symptoms. We did not take out travel insurance at the outset because we believed (wrongly) that single trip insurance could not be booked until under 12 months from the return date. (We now know that Avanti will insure 24 months before.) We were also unconcerned because 75% of the cost of the voyage is already paid for by Cunard credits, which are - in principle - reusable. When we tried in June to take out insurance for this cruise, we were shocked to discover that no insurance firm would cover me; they will cover only my wife. Four reasons appear to be contributing to the computer saying NO: the length of the cruise (101 nights); North America and Mexico being on the itinerary; my age (77); and - crucially - being unable to say that the treatment was complete. Even an attempt to exclude my pre-existing condition failed. By the way, InsureCancer were sympathetic but said they could not cover me because I was “too fit”. I am not joking.

I have subsequently managed to bring forward the treatment so that it *should* be complete a month before we are due to pay the balance. However, no firm was able (or willing) to guarantee cover after treatment was complete. We are in limbo at present, so any insights would be welcome.

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    The cruise sounds lovely but unfortunately, as you've found, it can be more difficult to get travel insurance when you have a cancer diagnosis.

    Have you had a chance to look through the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet, as it's where the majority of recommendations from other forum members are? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. You might also want to look at this thread as it includes a link to a Travel Insurance Directory. 

    Most people recommend that it's best to phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    Do come back and let us know how you get on


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Thanks for your thoughts, latchbrook. Firstly, apologies for my slow response: we have had family with us over the weekend; they've just left. Yes, I tried a fair number of companies and the experience was the same. That said, a very helpful Avanti agent, Joanne, offered to phone me back after the treatment is complete. She understood the problem well and tried hard to solve it, but the upshot was that we still have to wait ...

    Yes, I will report back, hopefully with positive news. Thanks again - Colin

  • I am delighted (and so is my wife) to say that we have insurance for our cruise, thanks to a lovely lady from Avanti called Joanne. When we first ran into difficulty, Joanne promised to call us back at the end of this month, by which time we hoped to be able to say that I had completed my radiotherapy treatment. True to her word, she did call us and was clearly genuinely pleased to hear that not only was my treatment complete but I had also been signed off two days ago by the oncology team, having been told that I had done really well. Being able to say that treatment was complete was evidently the key. Joanne was obviously really pleased for us (and said she would be a bump in one of our suitcases). If anyone else has similar difficulties, do try Avanti.

  • That's great news and thanks for taking the time to come back and share your experience with us.

    I hope you and your wife have a lovely time!

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Skua

    I'm so pleased for you that you finally got your insurance sorted out and Joanne was true to her word and called you back. It's really promising to hear and sounds like Avanti are a professional set up. 

    Iam desperate to book a holiday but found like you that while you are still having treatment it's virtually impossible or ridiculously expensive. Today I completed my treatment so I will give Avanti a call in the morning and get a quote. 

    Wishing you abd you wife a wonderful well earned holiday.  Thanks for sharing your experience. 


  • Hi Robin,

    Many thanks for your kind words and good wishes. Naturally, I hope you're successful in obtaining your travel insurance: it's amazing what a weight drops off your shoulders when you win. When you call Avanti, if you decide to ask for Joanne, by all means say that Colin & Ros recommended her (and Avanti). I do have Joanne's extension number, but am reluctant to disclose it in a public forum.

    If you're wondering where Skua comes from, it's a sea bird

    All the best for tomorrow morning.

  • Hi Colin 

    Thank you so much for the information. I have just called them, spoke to Michael who was so helpful as Joanne was unavailable.The quote was better than I thought it would be for my husband and I on an annual policy. He's given me a quote that is valid for 30 days. I didn't realise that they are also part of  Stay Sure insurance who we were covered with previously. At the end of the day a policy is only good if the payout on claims, stay sure did pay our claim this year when I was undergoing treatment but getting through to the claims department was a nightmare, lots of stressful phone calls but we finally got our holiday refunded.

    Have an amazing holiday and thanks again.  PS I asked my hubby what a skua was and he said straight away a bird lol

    Robin xx