Melanoma and Pembo infusions.

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  • 18 subscribers

I was diagnosed with external Melanoma in December, 2016 apparently after it having been quite rampant internally for some time previously.

The staff at St. James' in Leeds were very good and after radiology to kill off a large tumour at the back of my tounge was started on the compartively new three weekly Pembro infusions.. My external tumours disappeared quite quickly but internally it has not been so straightforward but have been classified as as stable for some time now.

In June 2019 the infusions were stopped as it had been found that after two years 89% of sufferers could manage without them but with twelve weekly scans to check all was still stable. My last scan in October showed that there also now a slight increase in the size of my prostate. A subsequent blood test has shown a raised PSA level with no other signs of a prostate problem. My next blood test is on the 15th of this month.

Following on my next scan is on the 31st of January and I should know during February if my melanoma is still stable and any further increase in the size of the prostate. For as long as I feel well it is not my intention to take the prostate situation any further. However I have been told that there is some suggestion that prostate cancer can also be detected by those on Pembro and the immune system can work on that as well. I may well turn out to be a candidate to see if that is the case for me should it be required. For the moment I will not be put onto the infusions again unless the melanoma is shown to be no longer as stable as it was. However if my own immune system has already been trained to detect the Melanoma could that apply to the prostate as well? Time and further research may be required.

While I am coming up on 78 in April, I am still about 6ft.1ins and weigh about 11.5 stone..  My type two diabetis and blood pressure is well under control and all other blood and urine tests have shown the readings to be acceptable.

Following on from this I want to discuss my findings on travel insurance.

  • Hi and a very warm welcome to the online community 

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had melanoma but it's great news that you're stable. You might like to join us in the melanoma group where you can share your experience with others who are currently being treated with Pembro, etc. Clicking on the link I've created will take you directly there.

    It would be interesting to hear about your experiences with travel insurance as we're all constantly looking for positive recommendations as well as knowing who to avoid.


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