This is a travel question - relating to BA

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers


Trying to help my friend who booked a family holiday - all adults -  but then was diagnosed with Rectal Cancer.  Its pretty aggressive and he was taken in the following day to start Chemo and Radiotherapy.  

He didn't even think to take out travel insurance as clearly his health was the first concern for everyone.

One family member is trying to get a flight refund from British Airways but they are only offering flight vouchers valid for 6 months........

What use is that !?!! 

Has anyone had any experience of successfully getting monies. back from any travel company without travel. insurance ?

Thanks in advance for any responses.

  • Hi and welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to hear that your friend has been diagnosed with rectal cancer.

    It's a shame that he didn't buy travel insurance at the same time as buying his holiday as he would then be covered for cancellation. 

    I don't have any personal experience of claiming without travel insurance but I've had a look online and it would appear that getting a refund on a flight depends on what type of ticket your friend bought. Usually the cheapest tickets are non-refundable and it sounds like this might be the type of ticket that your friend bought. If this is the case then this is probably why BA won't refund the cost of the tickets and are offering vouchers, possibly as a gesture of goodwill.

    Hopefully, your friend will be well enough in 6 months to make use of the vouchers.


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