Repatriation only insurance?

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers

Good morning, everyone, wonder if anyone can help as having contacted 'Insure with' they went to their underwriters because of the various things I have going on and haven't said 'no' but I have to contact them again first week August to see how my lungs are.

I only want to go to Germany one last time to visit close family and will be travelling by train, with my EHIC, not taking part in drinking copious amounts of alcohol or illegal drug taking and high risk sports etc etc :)  However, no one is prepared to insure me.

My main concern is repatriation costs should I die in Germany. My husband is German so can deal with the system and imagine have me cremated and bring me back that way quite simply but it would feel nicer to have insurance in place for this just in case. So finally, to the question - does anyone know if it's possilbe to insure for repatriation only or have any other suggestions?   

All the best,


  • Hi  and welcome to the travel insurance group

    I'm sorry to hear that you're finding it difficult to get insurance for your proposed trip to Germany. Unfortunately, as you have found, it can be more difficult to find travel insurance when you have had a cancer diagnosis.

    I can't remember anyone in the group posting that they had got insurance just to cover them if they needed repatriating. I've had a quick look back through older posts using the search facility but haven't spotted any.

    As you point out your EHIC card won't cover you for repatriation. Currently the NHS website is warning that, depending on when you're planning to go away, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal on 31 October your access to health care with the EHIC card may change.

    I don't know whether you've looked through the Recommended Travel Insurance thread yet as it's where we try to keep recommendations from other forum members who have obtained travel insurance. Clicking on the link I've created will take you directly to it if you haven't seen it and it might be worth your while to get quotes from any companies you haven't tried yet that are recommended here.

    I do hope that you can get travel insurance and that you have a great trip.


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