Travel insurance while having chemo

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers


please can I ask if any of you have managed to get a decent quote during chemo?

my Dad has terminal pancreatic cancer, 3 months since diagnosis and has had 2 cycles of chemo.

if his scan is good after the 3rd cycle, he & Mum would like to go to Spain for a week between cycles.

he is coping very well, minimal side effects and bloods are good.

he will always need chemo, it will only stop when it’s not working anymore so we can’t say wait until your treatment has finished, the likelihood of him being fit to travel at that point may be slim.

i asked the chemo nurse about this today & she did not think the oncologist would agree, and also the premium would make it impossible to go.

i did a general quote with one company and it came in at £200 just to see, but now i’m Thinking it must’ve been wrong?

i intend to telephone for a proper quote to make sure everything is covered anyway but am interested to know how others got on or if you have any pointers you could pass on please?



  • Hi and welcome to the travel insurance group

    I responded to your query in the pancreatic cancer group so I'm pleased to see you over here.

    I don't know whether you've looked through the Recommended Travel Insurance thread that I suggested to you yet? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you directly to it.

    It is best to phone the travel companies rather than try and do online quotes. Make sure you have all the information to hand before contacting the insurers. This is a list of common questions that insurers might ask you when applying for insurance.

    Some insurers will ask for a letter from your doctor to prove that they have given you permission to travel. In any case it's always best to make sure that you have checked with your doctor that it's okay to travel and that this has been recorded in your notes in case of a claim.

    I do hope that you can get some reasonably priced insurance and that your mum and dad have a great holiday.


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