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Recommended Travel Insurance

  • 250 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi everyone

As it can be time consuming looking through existing posts for travel insurance recommendations I thought it'd be a good idea to try and keep all recommendations in one place.

With that in mind I thought I'd ask that when you've found an insurance company that provided you with cover at a reasonable cost you posted that recommendation here.

If you could put a little bit of additional information eg. whether you got single trip or annual, cover for a cruise, worldwide, etc along with anything else that you think others would find helpful when they are researching that would be great.

All the recommendations come from community members and are not recommendations from Macmillan. Please make sure you do your own research as to whether they are suitable for you.


  • @tpott: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. There seem now too many stories, mine included, for this to be coincidental. 

    @latchbrook: Hi tpott

    I'm confused why, if Boots Insurance refused to pay a claim for your February holiday, you recommended them in this thread on 21 May?

    @tpott:  Hi at that stage it looked like the claim was being dealt with normally. Also had the claim been paid, the premium was excellent for a one week trip to Miami given my Stage 4b NHL blood cancer and other issues. Since then the hospital and doctors have still not been paid and I am now being pursued aggressively by debt collectors working for the US medical services I received. On top of that there are very worrying press articles circulating about Boots not honouring their obligations allegedly in some very serious situations. I do not think that given my health, I should be stuck in the middle of this fight to ensure Boots pays the outstanding bills. It is very stressful and unnecessary. I was warned that the lower premiums quoted by Boots for many people in this forum come with consequences. You need to be able to travel in peace without the worry of being stranded or left high and dry if you have bought a travel policy which clearly covers the incident in question. 

    ... on top of that, I had used Boots twice previously in 2018 for other trips given the prices I got from them but on those occasions there was no need to claim. This last trip is the first time I have had to put Boots to the test. 

    My case is now with the Financial Ombudsman. 

    @latchbrook: Thanks for that tpott. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the Financial Ombudsman finds in your favour! Do you know when they will give their ruling?

    @tpott: I believe they usually turn things round Im told in 8 weeks. Boots are dragging their feet and need to cooperate by providing a “final response” letter which I’m chasing for. 

    @PJaney Hi

    Last year, I used InsureWith and had an annual policy for a reasonable price. This year, their quote was much higher and I got cheaper cover with Boots although couldn't get a multi-trip policy. I am about to book another holiday and will use them again.

    It does take a long time - I find I always have to speak to someone rather than finish the estimate online so didn't get as many quotes as I would have otherwise.

    @Pjaney: I should have added that the first trip covered by Boots was a short cruise from Southampton to Honfleur and Rouen and there was a small supplement for this. 

    @spraylifter: i have tried lots of companies for insurance for travel  many on the list here are looking for almost the same as the holiday is costing its self we did get lots of quotes  we got cover for my self  with post cancer and a quote for my wife  with non cancer medical issues  i would recomend at least getting a quote from the level of cover they offer is great we have used them twice already in 20/19 and about to get another quote from them for a trip next month 

    @latchbrook: Jenko1979

    Hi Paul 

    Can I just say that there is no new rule in this group that says that only people who have claimed on their insurance can recommend a travel insurance company. 

    Anyone is welcome at any time to make a recommendation so thank you for those you've previously made and I'm sorry that I've only just seen your reply to a previous poster querying this. 


    @Rothbury17: Most grateful for the list of insurers but I have to say the Boot platform is risible nonsense!  Many of the response options are flawed and deliberately skewed to the negative (e.g. does not permit 10+ in remission, deliberately vague language, does not recognize some cancers I.e. squamous cell cancer to the throat).  It was also difficult to navigate.

    All that to be told they couldn’t quote!

    Beyond a joke ...

    @latchbrook: Hi Rothbury17 and a warm welcome to the online community

    I'm glad that you have found this thread useful for finding recommendations but sorry that you've struggled with Boots website. 

    With any pre-existing medical condition it's best to phone the travel companies rather than try and do online quotes for the very reasons you've outlined. Although it takes longer to do it this way it does mean that you're quoted for your exact circumstances. Unfortunately, even if you manage to answer all the questions online you will often be asked to phone the company to get the quote.

    You don't say whether you've managed to find insurance yet but I hope that you have and that you have a great holiday.

    @Skippy4292: Confused:

    All, seeking your advice. I'm in remission from cancer now for 6 months, with a 3 monthly check up.

    When applying for insurance do I need to declare cancer or not?

    Thanks in advance


    @tpott: I believe once you have had cancer it will always have to be declared, remission or not. 

    @princess.margaret: Yes, please do!

    whilst making such declarations may make getting insurance a little more difficult and expensive, not declaring “relevant facts” will almost certainly invalidate any claim you need to make.

    @The Bean: OK travel insurance rearly good quotes and good reviews 

    @Rothbury17: HI Latchbrook,

    I haven’t found an acceptable quote yet but am doggedly persistent.  Come hell or high water I will find something for Canada  

    The post about ‘Which’ Insurance companies is well worth a dip into although Holidaysafe are questionable in that they (a) refuse to take account of being cancer free for 10 years and (b) whack up the excess to standard + £400 


    @latchbrook: Glad to hear that you're determined Rothbury17!

    If you find an insurer that's currently not recommended it would be great if you could add it to the thread please.


    @PreciousTimes: Hi, did you manage to get your insurance sorted? Who do you suggest to contact? 

    @bondgirl61: Hi, 

    I managed to get a really good price from Boots. £246 for both myself and husband. Sadly, reading previous posts, the insurance company Boots use are under investigation. I'm too late to change it now, so fingers crossed nothing goes wrong. 


    hope this helps

    @Aghanloo: Folks, 

    I regularly use insurancewith and worldfirst for single trips in Europe. Typical cost is £35 -£50 far cry from some other insurance companies looking in excess of £750.00 for same trip. 

    Not only are these sites value for money, but I would like to stress that their agents are truly wonderful people to deal with. They are extremely polite, considerate, and make you very relaxed in answering the vast number of questions. 
    Simply put they don't penalise you for being ill 

    @tpott: Unfortunately Boots still haven’t paid out on my medical expenses claim from March and it’s now with the Financial Ombudsman. 

    @SarahT57: Hi

    Has anyone used OK to Travel or Freespirit?  I called InsureWith but because I’ve had raised ALT levels (from immunotherapy) for less than 8 weeks they won’t cover me. I guess I can try again in a couple of weeks if I have to


    @tpott: Try nowicantravel

    @tpott: Sorry

    @Lidlicker: Hi Rothbury 17, 

    Have you tried ''?    They have a 10+ years option in their screening post cancer dx / treatment.    

    I'm in the 8-10yrs bracket & paid £167 last year (including aortic regurgitation which was found during cancer treatment) for an annual Europe, cruise policy for me & hubby.

    I've got a similar online quote for this year but want to actually speak to them tomorrow before finalising.

    SAGA were reasonably close (price/cover) to Just Travel price for us - however, as a past customer, I'll be able to claim 10% discount with Just Travel ;) 

    @Rothbury17: Hi Lidlicker

    Thank you for the helpful suggestion but they turned out to be a damp squib for me: wouldn’t quote and didn’t talk of 10 year post cancer treatment; they stuck to 5+

    I avoided Boots because their insurer is under investigation.  Saga and Just Travel along with several others were pretty awful.  Most common experience was either sky high premium and high excess or £250-500 premium and £600 excess.  

    Success was found via a recommendation to look at World-First who came out at £204 plus £450 excess.

    At the end of the day the travel insurance market for those of us with preexisting medical conditions is weighty stacked against us, so thank goodness for forums like this and the caring likeminded people who participate and share with everyone.

    Kind regard and thanks

    @Jo_B: World first are also underwritten by tifgroup ala boots. 

    Ive had most of my posts removed for trying to help everyone avoid a bad company, so I’ll no longer be doing so. 

    @tpott: I’ve just noticed that. It’s the link to TIF Group, the underwriters, that is key. Interestingly the reported cases seem to be all through Boots though. 

    @Stewpot127:Hi Newbie,

    Many thanks for recommending MIA Online. After ridiculous high quotes for travel insurance the gentleman on the other end of the phone quoted me £210 for the two of us for a weeks holiday in Majorca; a lot less than the maximum of £4900 quoted by others. 

    Again many thanks - it seems that foreign holidays are not a thing of the past after all. 

    @The bean: £200 dearer than ok travel

    @ The bean: £200 dearer than ok travel insurance 

    @LatchbrookHi The bean

    Which travel insurance company is £200 dearer than OK Travel Insurance? 

    @The bean: Avanti

    @grumpy19: This is a very good company, I have used them for several years now and currently have annual travel insurance with them, including cruise cover, & compared to other companies, I have saved over a thousand pounds, They have included in my policy,  with slightly higher excesses NSCLC, T2 diabetes, sepsis, pericardial effusion, OA and were very friendly and efficient over the phone the name of the company is


    @latchbrook: grumpy19

    Hi Keith

    Thanks for your recommendation but unfortunately you forgot to add the name of the company you were recommending. 

    If you go back to your post at the bottom you'll see 'more'. Click on this then select 'edit' which will allow you to add the name. Then select 'post' and your amended post will appear.



    @Smirnoff: I agree Keith. I just purchased an annual policy for me and my husband for £160, for anywhere in Europe. Insurewith, however, was the first company I called and because I had such a good deal, I didn’t shop any further. They took into account my husband’s stage 4 lung cancer and asked me if he is still having treatment, to which I told them he has immunotherapy 3 weekly. This wasn’t a problem. I don’t know how they would be if I made a claim, but I hope I don’t find out. The staff at Insurewith are very kind and polite too.

    @Smiornoff: I phoned insurancewith as recommended by a few people on Macmillan discussion group. There were others to try, but these were the first on my list and I was not disappointed. I chose to phone them as it is better to explain some of the health problems rather than their website. They quoted £160 for an annual trip to Europe for me and my husband taking into account his stage 4 lung cancer.


    @PreciousTimes: I do t know where the thread is to add Aviva to

    @Latchbrook: You're on the thread now PreciousTimes


    @maris: That is amazing. We are having similar trouble, lost count of how many companies we have tried all whom advertise cover for terminal prognosis.  I will I’ll give Boots online a try!

    @Mitzie10: It’s always best to phone and have all your information of dates, tests, appointments etc in front of you as well as a cup of coffee or tea x


    @bondgirl61: Hello Fellow Insurance strugglers,

    Just to let you know that I've managed to secure 20 days cover to New Zealand for £233.00 with All Clear Insurance. It's full cover for myself and my husband. There has been nothing left out (cancer diagnosis/blood pressure). 

    As I've said before, perseverance pays. It's a pain at the time repeating the same things over and over but it does pay.

    Wishing all insurance success.

    @zac1monty2: I have just used Saga for one single holiday to Switzerland. Switzerland is in the Europe group two and is therefore more expensive than group 1. My list of 4 historical ailments means most insurers will not offer insurance and being over 70 is an added minus.

    So, cover has been provided by Saga for £338.63 far less than the nearly £1000 quotes from other companies.

    Since having operations for grade 4 kidney cancer and metastatic breast cancer  in May 2017 my bank provided cover costing £200 until this month when renewal was due. After using the same bank for 56 years loyalty stands for absolutely nothing. Wrangling with the company which underwrites insurance for the bank customers a policy for £486 was their lowest offer. Disgust doesn't even start to describe my feelings.

    It wasn't even cancer that provided the stumbling block. it was the totting up system commonly used by insurers on identical forms. In January this year I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and have to use a cpap machine each night which took me to the total of 4 ailments.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    @latchbrook: Hi zac1monty2 and welcome to the travel insurance group

    Thanks very much for adding your recommendation to this thread as I don't think Saga has been mentioned before.

    I hope you have/had a lovely holiday to Switzerland


    @Sleepyblondie: Wow. That sounds amazing. That’s exactly what I want

    i have several medical conditions that I’ve never needed emergency treatment for. Plus it’s two years since ,y cervical cancer treatment. Insurance companies seem to think they can make a fortune from me now.  My other medical conditions had never bothere insurers before. I used to get very cheap insurance.  But adding cancer to the mix they seem to now take the other conditions much. Ore seriously. I buy cheap flights and am able to cancel accommodation up until a few days before I’m due to arrive. So I just want to I sure my belongings. I will give EURO PLUS a try   Thanks 

    @lppy71: Thanks loads for the advice on travel insurance companies. I initially tried the comparison sites as naively assumed that as I finished treatment and had surgery last year that I would be easily covered but obviously not as no quotes came up! That's when I turned to the Macmillan site for advice and found your post.

    I went for a quote through Boots and they came up trumps with a very reasonably priced single trip for Europe.
    Thank you 

    @dugster74: Hi all. I was diagnosed as having cancer in my toncil in February and have completed my treatment, had a scan shown to be clear and am now on monthly checks. I'm going Cape Verde in 3 weeks and am looking for insurance. I've seen insurancewith, boots, Mia, allcleartravel all mentioned on here and will have a look. Someone from work has recommended Asda's insurance? 

    Any suggestions welcome and I'll let you know how I get on

    @latchbrook: Hi dugster74  and welcome to the online community

    I don't know if you'd looked all the way through this thread yet as there are lots of recommendations for travel insurance companies within it.

    It is best to phone the travel companies rather than try and do online quotes. Make sure you have all the information to hand about your diagnosis and treatment before contacting the insurers. This is a list of common questions that insurers might ask when you're applying for insurance.

    Some insurers will ask for a letter from your doctor to prove that they have given you permission to travel. In any case it's always best to make sure that you have checked with your doctor that it's okay to travel and that this has been recorded in your notes in case of a claim.

    I do hope that you can get some reasonably priced insurance and have a lovely holiday


    @dugster74: Thanks for that. Already had a couple of questions I struggled with! 

    I'll let you know how I get on

    @jac22Travel insurance has been of particular interest tomus because at the time of diagnosis during November 2018 (breast cancer) we had to cancel several travel plans - one being a bucket list  trip cancelled at very short notice - and our current insurer was absolutely brilliant in dealing with the situation. Unfortunately that insurer will not cover pre existing conditions and reluctantly we felt we had to seek an alternative provider who would.

    A fellow patient recommended one company due to their competitive rates, but it seemed there may be issues in relation to claims and so we disregarded them. I then spoke with StaySure, AllClear and AXA via the CSPA scheme. Annual premiums we within a few pounds of each other (ignoring any subsequent discounts offered), some conditions varied but we would have been happy to go ahead with any of those providers.

    Fortunately I was eligible to join the CSPA and we decided to go with AXA because it was not only a global policy - no additional costs for travelling to say America - but there were no questions to answer regarding existing conditions for either of us.

    We may be paying more for cover - certainly more than pre diagnosis - but we have come to realise that we don’t know how good cover is until circumstances arise which make claims necessary.

    @ MCB: I had a stem cell transplant nearly

    three years ago. Although in remission,

    I am still having regular Chemo as a

    preventative  measure along with various 

    treatments for GvHD. 

    Boots Travel Insurance were unable

    to offer me an annual policy but were

    happy to insure me for individual holidays

    at around £25 a time for Europe. 

    The policy is pretty comprehensive and

    even includes medical treatment related 

    to my condition. 

    A bonus is that by booking my second lot

    of insurance within 30 days of the first one

    i was able to avoid the time-consuming

    and tedious account of my medical 


    They also said I will get a 20 per cent loyalty 

    discount next time I book. 

    OK, my wife got a whole year’s insurance for

    half of what I paid for one trip. But under

    the circumstances I think Boots were

    very reasonable. 

    They were also helpful and easy to deal



    @Forever hopeful 1: Brilliant I also went with Boots really reasonable even for four nights,  much better than the thousands others want to charge. 

    Have a lovely holiday. 

    @Birdsofafeather: Thank you for these tips @latchbrook.  Looking at the thread, it looks like Boots is definitely worth a try.  I have also been recommended the following:  Insurancewith, Free spirit, World first, insurepink, allcleartravel and axa.

    Wondering if anybody in the Community have had good quotes from these others?

    Warm wishes to all.

    @The bean: I tried ok travel insurance good price for my 6 month single trip

    @Mr Mac: I was diagnosed 2 years ago with a very rare high grade salivary carcinoma, after an 8 hour operation removing a salivary gland and 63 lymph nodes, followed by 6 weeks of radio therapy. The treatment was successful in clearing the initial cancer, however, it has got into my blood stream and I now have a patch of 19mm growing on my lungs. At the current rate of growth I am hoping that I will have at least 2 years before the cancer starts taking effect and eventually ending my life.

    I am going to Poland in a couple of weeks and therefore started my search for travel insurance, this is my first post on this site and having read other posts I wish I had joined sooner.

    I like so many have been declined by insurance companies as my cancer is terminal. However, as my cancer is not deemed to be terminal within the next 6 months, I have taken out an annual policy with Insure and Go for £32.00. There is an exclusion relating to my cancer which my oncologist has told me should not have an impact on my health at present, so at least I am covered if I have an accident, food poisoning or any other illness.

    I hope someone finds this post helpful, and I wish you all.....the very best for the future>

    @Latchbrook: Hi Mr Mac and welcome to the online community

    It's great to hear that you've been able to get travel insurance recently and thanks very much for taking the time to add your recommendation to this thread. I'm sure it'll be useful for others looking for insurance in the future.

    I hope you have some great holidays!


    @Paul1969: Afternoon everyone

    I have today taken out annual multi-trip cover for Europe with winter sports which was £123 with an excess of £200 with Insure With. Medical loading was £42.90 for the year. Worldwide (ex USA, Canada and Mexico) was about £80 more but as nothing booked outside Europe for the next 12 months yet didn't go for that cover but can add later. Full disclosure of medical history on the phone. I always call as trying online just doesn't get anywhere.

    I had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosed in 2012 with an unrelated donor stem cell transplant in May 2013.

    I have used them for a number of years and always found the cover reasonably priced. In the early days post transplant (within 6 months) they did cover me on an annual cover basis although the premium at the time reflected this.Worth a call.

    @chas1989: Boots.

    allclear quoted me £500 plus for singletrip and the adviser didn’t know what metastatic meant!

    he kept going on about £50,000 repatriation costs.

    boots £65 annual multitrip.

    @latchbrook: Hi tpott

    I was wondering how you were getting on with your case that's with the Financial Ombudsman?


    @tpott: Thank you for asking. I think that the FOS is inundated with these PPI cases ahead of the deadline. The case is still waiting for allocation to an adjudicator. This is a dispute over the excess only so there should be nothing to stop the insurer settling the outstanding medical bills. I have explained the situation to the US providers and they seem to be waiting now. It is all rather unnecessary really.

    @The bean: Boots wouldn't insure me going to the Philippines 

    @Latchbrook: tpott 

    That's good news that the US providers are now waiting for the results of your case and not pursuing you. 

    I hadn't realised that it was just the excess that you were in dispute with the insurers about. I'm not sure how to put this without sounding rude but why are you in dispute about the excess? All insurance policies have excesses which the customer has to pay with the insurer paying out anything over this amount.

    @Chas1989: I didn’t post anything about excess or america.

    please will you delete my account as i cant cope with this nonsense


    @tpott: The normal excess is £50 but for declared pre-existing conditions it is £750 plus £50. I was hospitalised for an unrelated condition. The claim is accepted and I fail to see why at least the majority of the claim can be paid to settle the outstanding hospital and medical bills. It is a dispute between myself and the insurer not between the insurer and the providers. 

    @latchbrook: Hi tpott

    I can see why you're disputing the excess now! I certainly wouldn't want to pay £800 if my claim was unrelated to my pre-existing medical condition.

    I hope the ombudsman finds in your favour. 

    @LancastrianInExile: What is "reasonable"?

    We had a year-long policy through Saga for two of us, both type 12 diabetic and both taking medication to keep our blood pressure and cholesterol under control.

    Two months ago my wife had a minor heart attack and a stent fitted - ironically actually making her healthier.   When we informed Saga, a few weeks ahead of a planned holiday they cancelled our annual policy cover and charged us over £200 plus the pro rata refund of our used annual cover refund.

    All seemed well until eight days before departure when we notified them that two days earlier I'd been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and was awaiting an operation a month after the planned trip.       Saga withdrew our cover. 

    With the help of BIBA we found a week's cover through "All Clear", at a cost of £1650.    The upcoming holiday had been a light-at- end-of-the-tunnel event following my wife's heart attack so there was no option but to go ahead.

    Insurance underwriters all ask the same list of questions but don't have the flexibility to assess risk sensibly there is no increased health risk and the consultant says I'm fit to travel.   - the small lump on the side of my neck is not likely to make me prone to falling over; and treatment has not started so outwardly I'm as fit as I was before.

    Looks like it will be UK holidays for now on.

    @latchbrook: Hi LancastrianInExile and welcome to the online community

    What is "reasonable" is a very good question and probably impossible to answer as what is reasonable for one person might be considered to be extortinate to another.

    However from the point of view of this group, whose members are looking for travel insurance, then I would assume that reasonable would be considered to be not a lot more expensive than they would pay if they didn't have cancer. So maybe hundreds of pounds rather than thousands of pounds.

    Although it's true that the questions asked may all be the same, or very similar, the quotations can be vastly different. If you have a look through this thread and others in this group you'll find plenty of examples where people have found vast differences in prices quoted. I'll link a couple of them for you here and here

    It really does pay to shop around and always phone the travel companies rather than try and do online quotes. Make sure you have all the information to hand about your diagnosis and treatment before contacting the insurers. This is a list of common questions that insurers might ask when you're applying for insurance.

    Some insurers will ask for a letter from your doctor to prove that they have given you permission to travel. In any case it's always best to make sure that you have checked with your doctor that it's okay to travel and that this has been recorded in your notes in case of a claim.

    I do hope that you won't give up your love of foreign holidays


    @ LancastrianInExile: I wish I'd found this forum a few days earlier.  Two  2 days after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer we notified Saga.    They responded by cancelling  our cover just 7 days before departure,  Desperate not to lose the holiday and short of time we ended up paying £1650 for one week's cover with AllClear.

    Thank you for you post which will be useful when treatment is completed. 

    @LancastrianInExile: Thank you for the two postings you attached;  it's very encouraging.      We were very much in a "pay up or cancel your holiday" situation.

    Once I've had the op and follow-up radioactive iodine treatment, and time passes since my wife's heart attack & stent fitting; things ought to be easier.     Probably better to get estimates before booking a holiday..

    @Latchbrook: LancastrianInExile

    I think I'd have done the same in your position with only a week left to go. You'd just been diagnosed and the last thing you'd have wanted to do was spend lots of time on the phone trying to obtain insurance.

    As time passes you should find it easier still to get "reasonably" priced insurance but I'd definitely shop around and make sure you can get travel insurance before you book your next holiday.

    All the best with your op


    @Thehighlander: ‘Bump’ for those navigating the Travel Insurance quagmire 

    Have a look through the thread and see what all the members are saying or post a question.

    @youngatheart: I used SAGA for travel within Europe. They covered me fir a year! That was only 6 months after treatment £68 

    @washway12: hello

    just to let you know i took out a new insurance with eurotunnel as they now cover the islands ok i had to renew early but at 90.00 for the year 

    yes you have to book travel with them which i did for a crossing in nov which was 98.00 although not sure whether you actually need to take the trip if you see what i mean

    the other thing is i took a trip to palma after and my wife was admitted to palma hospital for 2 days and the claim is paid  

    @latchbrook: Hi washway12

    Thanks for letting us know that Eurotunnel now cover European islands.

    I hope you have a lovely trip.


    @washway12: just to remind people they cover only on new policies taken out not on existing 

  • Take a look through this thread for recommendations from other community members.

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  • Take a look through this thread for recommendations from other community members

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi

    firstly thank you everyone who has contributed to this discussion. I found the experiences shared very helpful in obtaining my travel insurance. 

    Just to put this insurance into context, my trip is to Paris for 5 days, no water sports or cruises, I am being treated for breast cancer, i’ve had a mastectomy and lymph nodes removed, chemo and radiotherapy which finished 2 weeks ago. 

    i got a number of quotes and boy did they vary. Saga came in at £103, the most expensive and i ended up insuring with HolidaySafe (Single trip premier) for  £20.31 - with £100 excess. You can get this cheaper if you increase the excess. That’s over £80 cheaper and they asked the same pre condition questions, shocking !! Cover for medical, cancellation, gadgets etc was identical. 

    i hope this helps others wanting to travel. 


  • Forgot to mention, I found the link provided by TraceyP to the Which site extremely helpful.

  • Hi and and welcome to the online community

    Thanks very much for sharing your experience of getting travel insurance with us and it's great that after shopping around you were able to get some at a reasonable price. 

    I hope you have a great time! 

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Well! Diagnosis of breast cancer was in 2016, and we managed to get fairly cheap (£150) annual insurance in 2017 with Insurance With. In 2018, they wanted an eye-watering sum, so I went to All Clear, and paid about £120. This year, All Clear wanted over £900, and so did Saga, etc! So my husband rang our home and contents insurer, Direct Line, and they charged us £160. It's absolutely crazy, but the message seems to be to shop around. 

    1. Sophie X

    "Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. It gives you the test first, and the lesson afterward."

    - Oscar Wilde

  • Take a look through this thread for recommendations from other community members

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Take a look through this thread for recommendations from other community members

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    I finished my treatment for throat cancer just over a year ago and got insurance through boots for a 7-day trip to Rome for £42, for me and my wife, with a £100 excess. Quite reasonable considering no one through compare the market would insure me.