Results available but I have to wait another 2 weeks

  • 10 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Hi All.  

I am just wondering if this is normal, because it is making me a little loopy. I had my mole biopsy last month on a mole to check for Melanoma - I was told the results would take two week and that I would be invited for an appointment. 

The day before the two week mark,  I called and asked about the appointment as I had not been contacted yet.  The lady was very helpful,  she checked and said that the results are available,  she then said a phone appointment had been booked for another two weeks time.  

I think I ticked a box to be told about the results by phone,  so I am not too worried about that, she also said that the consultants are very busy and don’t have time to sit and call everyone straight away with the results, which I can understand.  But most people appear to get the results much quicker, should they be good or bad.  

So now my brain is buzzing, one sec I am thinking they would have told me by now if their was a problem, but then I am thinking,  good results are only a quick phone call - probably less than 10 mins - so why make me wait?  

anyway,  I know you guys can’t tell me the answer of the test,  but I was just wondering about your experience and if this is normal. 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I can understand why you'd come to 'The Room' to have a little rant about not being able to get your results quicker, so I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you join us over in the melanoma forum as you'll then connect directly with others who are waiting for or have waited for biopsy results for potential melanoma.

    If you'd like to do this, just click on the link I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    Personally I had a 6 week wait for results having been told that they would likely be back in 4 weeks and the 'normal' window where melanoma is concerned is usually between 2-6 weeks with 4 weeks being about average.

    I hope that your biopsy shows that you don't have melanoma but, if you do, you'll get plenty of support in the melanoma forum.

    Fingers crossed x

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Yes thank you -  I am just trying to transfer my post -  I’m not tech savvy - sorry! 

  • I’m in the same boat. Had a shave biopsy 9 weeks ago. Told would have appointment within 6 weeks. Spoke secretary, have recently appointment for end September- another 6 or 7 weeks.  Told me dr wanted to discuss with a colleague at Friday meeting. Probably get a letter but that’s going to take another week.  She seems to think I can wait another 6 weeks - really ??
    Do they know what it’s like?

  • Oh no,  another 6 - 7 weeks?  That sounds far too long.  Is the colleague currently taking extended leave or something?  I do understand they are busy, I am a nurse myself, but work with people who have mental health issues & learning disabilities,  but I do think it is harmful to leave people in the dark,  our minds play awful games.  

  • Thanks CherryO. Already done the breast cancer thing, was treated fabulously all the way through 18 months of treatments. This one doesn’t feel like anyone is bothered. The secretary said I see you have an appointment end September- really ?? 

  • Maybe call and see if they can bring it forward?  after 18 months of breast cancer treatment I can only images how anxious you are to know what you are facing next. 

  • Thanks I shall wait till after the Friday meeting, phone the secretary again, although I may incur her wrath.  

    I found the letter sent to my gp on 27th June related to my initial consultation of 5th June pre biopsy - it’s only arrived on the NHS app today. I know because I check it every day.

  • Finally had an email - they cancelled my outpatient appointment last Friday with no explanation but just told it was a benign tumour - very relieved but disgusted with treatment.

    Hope all goes well with you, thanks for listening x

  • That's great to hear it was benign  

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi Cherryo,

    just been through same thing with my husband. He was under 2 different departments. One referred him within half an hour of getting the biopsy results which I kept chasing up with the medical secretaries for over 3 weeks. The other department said they had to have a team meeting then would make an appointment to see him with the results which would take another 1 - 2 weeks! But we pushed the nurse to tell us on the phone. Unfortunately you just have to make a nuisance of yourself.

    A friend who used to be a medical secretary told me that people who keep ringing get bumped up the list. I had a mole removed 8 years ago and got very anxious. They eventually got me in to see a nurse after 4 weeks.

    The oncologist my husband has just spoken to apologised that it had taken from end of May until now for him to get diagnosed and seen by oncologist.

    Otherwise keep finding ways to get on with your life, take care of yourself, relax and distract.

    Hope this helps