No time for cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Family need me, they got so much going on now and I said I would help, but instead of being able to travel and support I am going through multiple urgent cancer tests and treatments. I don't want to burden my children with my troubles on top of theirs. Macmillan have told me I can have BUPA counselling and I'm going to take that offer up just as soon as I finish grief therapy following a sibling's death (he was in his fifties). How do people cope when everyone in their family got big stuff to deal with?? As a mother I'm supposed to be there caring, not being ill myself. In my family, there is no one of my generation there to support me. It's all on me. Sometimes people say your children should support you, that there's the trump card of age and co-morbidities, but the way I see it is I am lucky to be old and my children shouldn't have to have repeated cancer surgeries while so young. So today, I just want to say to cancer I hate you! I hate you! I really hate you! Get me if you must, but please, please, please leave my children alone! You've taken too many dear ones, enough is enough.

  • Hello  

    First off let me say how brave you are putting your feelings in writing, it's a way of expressing your anger and boy I do hope you feel better for it.

    Secondly, again you realise that coping by yourself isn't enough and as you say - you have received grief therapy following your siblings death (I am so sorry to read of his death) and you are following that with our free BUPA counselling.

    I do appreciate you have much going on in your life but I think you are stronger than you realise - so it's a well done from me. I think this is also a generation thing - we "oldies" were brought up to care and we battle on against all the odds.

    Cancer is a bond that only we who have it recognise - it does bring out the best in us and yes I agree with your sentiments - leave the young ones alone "enough is enough".

    Stick with us, we as a Community are here for you - and you will find the inner strength to continue your fight.

    Kind regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Yes, I felt so much better letting it out and also talking to Macmillan earlier. I really appreciate your kind reply. Thank you so much Brian. Right now it just seems everything I bounce back from something else comes on top. But, as you say there will be an inner strength. I'm a very young oldie as only a few years older than my sibling who died. It's hard knowing how to balance things. Health professionals are all saying I got to just look after myself right now as the health stuff I'm facing (not just cancer) means I simply can't care for anyone else. But, my children won't buy that. And why should they? I've been told very pointedly I can't do anything other than look after myself right now, that I owe it to myself and I have to stop giving so much energy to everything else especially when I'm getting brickbats because of my perceived inadequacies. I got help to see other people got grief issues too and are lashing out. I want a magic wand. But there isn't any magic wand. So I have to get myself sorted and then try and pick up elsewhere, that's what I've been told by the medical people, and to reach out for support, which again is hard when you aren't used to doing it. I've got a lot to learn here! Kindest wishes, Rose

  • Hello Rose ()

    You are doing great - you are talking about your issues and what's more important you understand everything that's going on.

    Like you I got to 66 years of age before I needed any form of support - but by the left when I reached out I realised I did need help. There's no shame in asking from help and Macmillan are great at that.

    Do you have a "Maggie's" near you ?- this is a drop in charity who deal with all cancers and you can call in without appointment for a tea/coffee and discuss any issues you have - link here

    Remember we as a Community are all here for you - but I think reading your posts you are the type of person who is strong enough to grab the issue "by the balls" and crack on.

    If I can do anything for you you can always find me here.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.